Owner Name: Hami Calkar
Owner ID: 10508
Owner forum account: hamiclkr (requested account)
Family house №: 207
Family Name: Barbaros sk
Owner Discord ID: hamiclkr #9843
About us:
Barbaros sk are a family with a long history in our small city. The founder of the Barbaros sk decided to send some members to this new city in order to extend out and establish a foothold. Barbaros sk has seen many faces come and go throughout the years, and will continue to give a home to anybody in need. Despite being in separate locations, both branches of the Barbaros sk are closely linked, with the respective leaders talking often. The Barbaros sk does not condemn people based on their backgrounds and accepts everyone willing to obey the family norms and code of behavior. We invite anyone who do not have a family to call us home, and we will battle anybody who threatens it.
Our Goals:
We operate on the principles of commitment, devotion, honesty, and respect. We attend all events and work on a chain of command, which means that members must constantly listen to and respect higher-ranking members' call outs and requests. We will offer various jobs for members to complete that will help the family. Some of these vocations include seed cultivation, electrical work, piloting, and others. We also value any groups or side hustles that our members have since they may assist the family in various ways. We want our members to have faith in and respect for one another.
Long Term And Short Term:
Our short-term goals are to meet new reliable people for our family, to pursue small and medium-sized business opportunities and to develop and strengthen our family. To control the entire business world with our advanced family staff in our long-term plans. is to control legal and illegal business opportunities.
Ranking system:
Family Outfit:
Owner ID: 10508
Owner forum account: hamiclkr (requested account)
Family house №: 207
Family Name: Barbaros sk
Owner Discord ID: hamiclkr #9843

About us:
Barbaros sk are a family with a long history in our small city. The founder of the Barbaros sk decided to send some members to this new city in order to extend out and establish a foothold. Barbaros sk has seen many faces come and go throughout the years, and will continue to give a home to anybody in need. Despite being in separate locations, both branches of the Barbaros sk are closely linked, with the respective leaders talking often. The Barbaros sk does not condemn people based on their backgrounds and accepts everyone willing to obey the family norms and code of behavior. We invite anyone who do not have a family to call us home, and we will battle anybody who threatens it.
Our Goals:
We operate on the principles of commitment, devotion, honesty, and respect. We attend all events and work on a chain of command, which means that members must constantly listen to and respect higher-ranking members' call outs and requests. We will offer various jobs for members to complete that will help the family. Some of these vocations include seed cultivation, electrical work, piloting, and others. We also value any groups or side hustles that our members have since they may assist the family in various ways. We want our members to have faith in and respect for one another.
Long Term And Short Term:
Our short-term goals are to meet new reliable people for our family, to pursue small and medium-sized business opportunities and to develop and strengthen our family. To control the entire business world with our advanced family staff in our long-term plans. is to control legal and illegal business opportunities.
- Always be loyal, committed, truthful, and respectful.
- It is never acceptable to be racist, sexist, or a bully.
Ranking system:
- Er ( Newbie ) (a role where we can get to know our new members more closely.)
- Onbasi ( Family Member ) (They are reliable family members with whom we can spend time together in our family, work together and help.)
- Yuzbasi ( authorized family member ) (family members with minor powers in transportation, family plantation etc.)
- Binbasi ( Henchman ) (He is the assistant who makes strategic plans next to the family leader.)
- Albay ( Leader of Family) (has all the powers. He is the founder of the family.)
Family Outfit:

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