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Rejected SAHP Corrupt Bio | AbyCash Merks | 295512

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Aug 4, 2023
Organization: San Andreas Highway Patrol

ID: 295512

Name: AbyCash Merks

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Nationality: Saudi

Place of Birth: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Sexuality: Straight

Eye color: Brown

Hair color: Black

Tattoos: Back

Strengths: Charismatic, Persuasive in a friendly way, Good communication skills, Calm in intense and dangerous situations, Very patient And trustworthy.
Weaknesses: Take too many risks, Time management

Life Story:

AbyCash Merks was raised as an orpahn with 2 brothers, and he was the oldest brother, he grew up in a poverty neighborhood, , so AbyCash had to take care of his family as he was the oldest, He was always struggling to put food on the table for his family, So he had to learn how to use his charm and persuasion to get ahead and survive, So he started using his charm to trick people to get what he wants, and strategically use his smart tactics to persuae people to do his dirty deeds. After a while His brothers Jack and Eric were suspicious of AbyCash’s ambition and tactics, and they decided to find their own paths. After a few years, Erik and jack joined a gang, Eric died later during a fire fight with the police during a store robbery, AbyCash then decided to stay clean on the surface while strategizing his own rise to power and gained influence on others on both side of the law. Then after a while his brother jack died due to another gun fight. AbyCash then all alone now, has that decided authority, not criminality, was the best path to success and to avenge his brothers. AbyCash was sitting in a bar, he met his long childhood friend, Chris, and he recruited him to the San Andreas Highway Patrol.

Career Story:

AbyCash completed all of his training with ease, and the determination to gain influence in the force. He quickly rose through the ranks as he was always following the chain of command and participating in events. AbyCash found that there were too many unprofessional officers in the SAHP, so he applied to be the Deputy Chief of HRT, AbyCash ran a tight unit, insuring only the most hardworking and professional people to join, but was frustrated by legal constraints.
after a while, When a gang leader offered him $100K to release him from handcuffs during the ride to DOC, AbyCash thought about it for a while and then decided to take the money in exchange for making the gang leader set free. Amazed at the amount of money he received, AbyCash expanded his secret criminal contacts while maintaining a lawful reputation. then as AbyCash has amazing charismatic skills, he decided to transfer to PR to build good relations with the civilians of Los Santos to strengthen community ties. after doing a great job in HRT by interviewing and hiring the most professional officers and training them to become excellent officers, and then completing successful PR events for the citizens. He rose through the ranks to Assistant Sheriff and Curator of PR, AbyCash strengthened community ties and gained everyone’s trust through PR events and campaigns. But behind the scenes, he guided investigations to protect his criminal affiliates and eliminate threats through carefully constructed cases. AbyCash walks a dangerous line between two worlds. While outwardly, a successful, charming officer, however, internally he is driven only by a lust for influence and money, to compensate for his poor upcoming, willing to betray the law and friends alike.


1. AbyCash can help friends and family members

2. AbyCash can take part in illegal activity

3. AbyCash can lie about asking for a lawyer

4. AbyCash can buy/sell illegal weapons and items

5. AbyCash can take bribes up to (100k)

6. AbyCash can search and destroy the bodycam /try search for the bodycam and /do destroy the bodycam (2 try per situation)

7. AbyCash can use illegal items on and off duty

8. AbyCash can take illegal weapons instead of confiscating them

9. AbyCash can leak sensitive information
for money up to (100k)

10. AbyCash can use the truth serum and any torture method to get answers (in RP limits)
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