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Jul 24, 2023
Name: Ronit badmosh

Gender: Male

Age:16 Years

Nationality: INDIA

Place of Birth: uttarakhand

Sexuality: straight

Eye color: blue

Hair color: Black

Tattoos: many N/A

Strengths: Great Observer, Good learner, Great Leader.

Weakness: i am a reckless driver and i am lazy .

Life Story:

I grew up in a small village in rural India, where life was simple but far from easy. My family lived in a modest mud-brick house, and we struggled to make ends meet. My parents worked tirelessly as laborers in the fields, earning just enough to provide for our basic needs.

Education was a luxury we couldn't afford. I vividly remember watching other children in the village go to school every morning while I stayed behind, helping my parents with household chores and tending to our small patch of land. Despite our poverty, my parents always emphasized the importance of education, even if they couldn't provide it for me.

Ronit only knows one way to earn buy doing crimes so he started robbing peoples and by that reason he have to go to prison for 2moths after that he decides to move to Los Santos

Career Story:

Ronit is now in the City of Los Santos not knowing what to do or how to start so he went back to his old days he again start doing to rob people in the city, afterwards he stopped and He realize that he don't want to be criminal anymore so he started being a normal civilian wanting to not have a criminal record so he worked several civilian jobs but wasn't comfortable with any of them, as soon as he met the requirements to join EMS he went there and applied and got accepted, he was an good doctor because of his knowledge and his hardwork he got promoted to Fto in less than a week but he resigned because now he was thinking that EMS is boring and he want some adventure and thrille in his life so he went to FIB where he is going to stay for a long time, now while being in FIB he wants to earn some good money so he decides to take bribes and do some illegal things so he decides to putting his job at risk.


1.Ronit is allowed to sell goods at the Black Market. (except organization stuff and items)

2. Ronit is able to take criminals weapon instead of confiscating it.

3. Ronit is allowed to attend illegal activities with his family or friends. (not against LEO's)

4. Ronit has full immunity and can brake any state law such as using illegal guns

5. Ronit is able to receive bribes up to 100K maximum and letting someone go.

6. Ronit can refuse to give a 10-15 a lawyer/ lie about asking for one

7.Ronit is able to help his friends or family members to escape from custody.

8.Ronit is able to remove wanted list and remove criminal history from friends/family and get paid for it (up to 100k)

9. Ronit is able to try to break any kind of bodycams of civilians or officers. (/try twice per situation)

10. Ronit can expose special missions/ investigations to gangs/ family's on/off duty and can be paid {up to 100k}
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