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Rejected EMS Corrupt Bio | Kai TakeTwoVercetti | 101400

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I'm Cole

Apr 14, 2023
Organization: EMS

Name: Kai TakeTwoVercetti
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Nationality: Albania / United Kingdom
Place of Birth: Tirana
Sexuality: Straight
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Black
Tattoos: 2 hand tattoos
Strengths: communication, problem solving, team leading, shooting
Weakness: Temper

Life Story: 100-250 Words

Kai's father Mac used to be a high rank in the EMS in his time. He is till date known to have the best term for his dedication towards the department. Everyone respected him but the bandits and criminals hated him for how good he was at his duty. One day all the bandits in the city came up with a plan to kidnap Mac's son Kai and get Mac to leave EMS in return for Kai. Mac really loved his son and could do anything for him. He decided to step down from the EMS to save his son Kai. Once he resigned and went to collect his son the bandits cheated on Mac and killed him anyways. Kai somehow managed to escape through the woods but till date is looking to get revenge for his dad. His aim is to get all bandits behind bars even if it means he has to do it illegally. He plans to do that by helping the bandits in the hospital by treating them and finding their weaknesses. His intentions are right but ways will be wrong. RIP Mac is always in his mind and Kai can go to any extent to avenge his father. His main aim is to put all criminals behind bars either the easy way or the hard way. With the teaching of Kai's father Kai is now an extremely successful member of the EMS. Although, his mind rebels at stagnation and he still is looking for revenge for his fathers death. He can go to any extent in order to get revenge for his father as he misses him. Currently Kai is well respected in the city and comes from a well known family too. Kai is currently building his name in the city and looking forward to accomplish more to make his father Mac proud.

Career Story: 100-250 Words

Kai has recently given his EMS interview and completed his refresher training and now accomplished the interns rank. His interviewers and the chief of ems were extremely surprised of how good Kai's interview was and impressed by his skills. They say that he has had the best interview till date and the chief mentions how he has never had anyone give a better interview than Kai in the last 5 terms at least. Kai has successfully impressed them and is dedicated to do his duty to keep his superiors happy too while he is still looking forward to treat the bandits who killed his father to obtain their allergies and weaknesses in order to use it against them so he can avenge his father.

Only Outcome:
1- Be able to do any kind of illegal activities only while OFF DUTY (Must still follow server rules)
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