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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Zee Bolo
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Ace Galante
Aug 30, 2023

Zee Bolo

Aug 23, 2021
For Bobby, (click on links in words please)

First of all I want to go over the meaning of a 'ghost peak', a 'ghost peak' is when you get shot but you can't see the person who shot you i'm sure you will agree
The EN3 crime admins seem to think that every bullet tracer which goes through something is a ghost peak in some cases yes it is for example he's behind which you can't see him at all shooting you then I agree yes it is , but this is not for all as Ace says that this is a ghostpeak because my bullet hits the fence infront of me but I am completely visible on his screen and he can easily shoot me back but EN3 admins think differently, I then messaged Wody who is very experienced in turfs and even turfed on russian server before english server came out, he is also a PC checker for EN servers and is also senior admin in all English servers, he replied with this is not a ghostpeak. Ace says how is this fair if im shooting through walls or obstacles, but im just shooting a person who can see me and I can see him this is a fair fight on both sides as he can shoot me and I can shoot him, but because the spark comes off the fence its apparently is a ghost peak. I then shot through the middle of this fence which doesn't have the spark which comes off it and admins confirmed that this is not a ghostpeak. Now what is the difference between these fences? Its just how GTA is made some fences have a spark when it hits and some doesn't but Ace said its not the same, how is this not the same they are both fences how is someone supposed to control is a spark comes off the fence or not?

If you put a vote for the people who play turfs in EN3 if they should consider this as ghostpeak or not the majority will say no because everyone I spoke to doesn't like this rule and thinks its a pointless rule and for some reason its only EN3 which has this rule.

Anyway we will then go onto why I got banned yesterday by Ace and the capture refutation got denied by Darshan Jain
so we was holding inside of parking and I left hand peaked and shot someone in this POV timestamp 0.36, this person I shot at also shot me back but I got banned for a ghost peak and he didn't, how is it possible to one way ghostpeak if the other person also shot you? this is not possible you can't ghostpeak someone if he hit you that defeats the whole reason of a ghostpeak. I am assuming that they banned me because my tracer went through the wall , but this is just left hand peak works the gun is always held in your right hand so when you left hand peak the gun is not shooting in a straight line its shooting diagonally compared to when you right hand peak its basically going in a straight line you can try this out yourself and understand I mean.

I think the EN3 Crime Ghost peak Rules need to be reworked and tweaked because people are always getting banned for ghost peak including myself, most of the EN3 will agree that it shouldn't be classed as a ghost peak.
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