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Feb 4, 2022


Forum Concent Creator
Oct 9, 2021
Svestan sam svog postupka i prihvatam odgovornost za to sto sam napravio ali najiskrenije ja uopste nisam znao da tako nesto moze da se desi tj nisam bio upucen za taj efekat droge posto narkotike ni ne koristim u toku pucanja moj RP se uglavnom zasniva na kupovini dobrih automobila i generalno u prici slabo se pucam tako da stvarno nisam imao nameru da Redux mod iskoristim u neke lose namere pogotovo jer sam los pucac dodao bih samo jos ovo moja namera za samim koriscenjem tog Redux moda nije bila da mi ukloni efekat droge vec sam ga koristio iskljucivo radi poboljsanja iskustva igre jer nemam jak kompijuter da izdrzi 60 frejmova tako da mi je ovo bila jedina alternativa ukoliko mi izadjete u sustret ja ovaj efekat necu koristiti ne samo ovaj nego nijedan drugi na greskama se uci nadam se da cete mi oprostiti za ovo i da cemo nastaviti saradnju. Dodao bih jos samo ovo igrac sam sa 30 levelom iskustva i nikada do sad nisam pravio nikakve probleme serveru tj gradu uvek sam isao na to da se sve zavrsi lepo i kroz salu tako da jos jednom bih zamolio da mi oprostite za ovo hvala unapred.

I am aware of my actions and accept responsibility for what I did, but honestly I did not know that such a thing could happen, ie I was not informed about the effect of drugs because I do not use narcotics during the shooting, my RP is mostly based on buying good cars. and generally in the story I shoot poorly so I really had no intention of using Redux mode for some bad intentions especially since I'm a bad shooter I would just add this my intention to use that Redux mode was not to remove the effect of drugs but I used it solely to improve the gaming experience because I don't have a strong computer to withstand 60 frames so this was my only alternative if you meet me I will not use this effect not only this but no one else on the mistakes I learn I hope you will forgive me for this and that we will continue to cooperate. I would just like to add this, I am a player with 30 levels of experience and I have never made any problems with the server, ie I always went to the city to finish everything nicely and through the hall, so once again I would ask you to forgive me for this thank you in advance.

Mujo Simba

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
May 8, 2021
Postovanje, vas racun je vasa odgovornost i sami ste krivi sto skidate modovane fajlove/redux koji brisu efekte u igri koji su potrebni. Ban ce vam ostati ali mozete igrati na vasem twink nalogu. Zatvoreno!
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