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Daun Tim Leader
Sep 3, 2021

Family Name: Daun Tim

Family Owner: Quee Chang I 65457

Family House N°: 1737

Discord Owner: QueeChang#1922

Forum Owner: QueeChang

Outfit: Pink


The Daun Tim is a family that shows as much as possible to be respectful, humble and above all decisive. Initially it was born as a joke, when as children Quee and his friends decided, in a boring day, to train it. It was not of course a band with members chosen at random, but a band of friends with whom to spend the days and have fun dedicating their time to the road. As the days and months passed, the gang became numerous and the first robberies began to take place, small robberies at 24/7, which did not always go well, but over time they learned from their mistakes so that they could put their skills into practice. flawlessly, or almost. They also dedicated themselves to drug dealing, attracting more and more customers interested in buying even small doses for great moments of happiness and lightheartedness. Later, with the opening of a Night Club, where there was also the possibility of dealing, the family's income grew significantly. They made themselves known more and more in the city, being on everyone's lips and even more on those of the enemies, who wanted at all costs to get rid of the Daun Tim as it stole customers and in doing so also the money, ruining their business.

Create legal and illegal business
Hired assassins on commission
Drug and arms dealing
Corruption State Guards / Government

Ranks: (Its all Italian Name)

1 In Plova (On trial)

2 Schiavi di Chang (Slave of chang)

3 Responsabile Schiavi (Slave Managers)

4 Capo Chang (Boss Chang)

P.S For the moment we are few but my whole Italian team of 20 people is moving here
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Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Reapply under Role Play Biography section.​
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