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Joe Strawberry
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Levi Yeager
Feb 6, 2022

Luka Bunzo

Dec 17, 2021
Pozdrav, dobio sam ban za aimlock iako nisam koristio aimlock. Mislim da sam dobio ban zbog POV-a sa turfa koji sam igrao protiv Vagosa, to je jedini pov bio koji sam slao admin koji me je banovao ne zeli da mi kaze zbog cega sam tacno banovan. Nakon bana odma pisem adminu koji me je banovao da li treba da saljem POV sa drugih turfova ili mozda dok se pucam u areni, ili u najgorem slucaju da mi urade pc check. Admin meni odgovara da nista treba da sam cheatovao iako to nije utvrdio. Znam da ne mogu ja kao igrac da zahtevam pc check ali stvarno ne zelim da budem false banovan. Imam mnogo videa iz gun fighta nije problem sve cu upload. U proofs sam stavio link zbog kog ja mislim da sam banovan jer je to jedino video koji sam slao administraciji. Hvala unapred na odvojenom vremenu.

Hello, I am writing to inform you that I have a complaint on one of your colleague for banning me without enough evidence.
In my opinion i got banned for POV of turf where i played against Vagos. Furthermore, that is the only POV which i was requested to send to the administrator, who banned me.
After the bann i immediately DM ed the admin who banned me to ask him to send a great deal of POV s from other turfs or arenas, or in the worst case scenario that i ger pc checked. The administrator told me that its not needed and that i was cheating, while he didnt thoroughly checked everything.
I have a great amount of pov s form gunfigts and i am willing to send them all.
Thank you for your time,
Yours sincerely,

Mujo Simba

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
May 8, 2021
Postovanje, ocigledan aimlock nije potreban PC check. Vec ste banovani na main accountu za hakovanje tako da ne trebam dalje nista spominjati. Zatvoreno!
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