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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Frandrix Ciccio
Administrators nickname
Jul 13, 2021
I can provide the picture of all conversation with admins


May 31, 2021
My ID:5116

Today, aroud 10:50 am, I put my second house n1031 on "rent" on real estate agensy in game, unfortunately I had just woken up and I select sale instead rent. The gov Value of the house is 8m and I was trying to sell it for 20m on discord and rent for 450k, after 10 minutes the house was sold for 450k.
I just run to the house to meet the new owner and undustand what happen but the owner was really distrustful to talk with me and he didnt really want to have a conversation with me.
So i immediately contact the Admin in game (I received support from many admins) so explain what happen and try to find a solution because after 6/7 month that I enjoy to play in the server and do hard work to make money, I so all my investments to disappear.
The only solution that the admins provide is "find a solution ic". I tried to have a nice conversation with the new owner, but he is fully aware that he made a great deal and he continues to refuse to have a conversation with me.
it's obvious that I made an error, we are human not robot, and I select sell insteand rent in the moment that I was rushing in game and I was sleepy and I think, specially with players as me that all the times is follow the rules and never received a warning in game and I trying to help admins to report all the players that insulting or do bad things in game, "fly over" the rules and provide help, because for the help that i received you will just lost good players.
The proof that I can provide is all the chat conversation that I had in the morning with admins, and all the discord conversation with other players that asked me the price for the house n1031.

I will really appreciate if you can help me to have back the house, because how I said, was a mistake that can happen, and is very sad to lose 20m after hard work.

Thank you for your help and all the time to be present in the city!


May 31, 2021
ps. I already said to admin if the house can be transfer back to me I can give to the new owner 1m to apologize for this error.

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
  • The topic should be designed strictly according to the form;
+ it's completely ur personal mistake and no one can help you in ur case as you personally sold it
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