1. Your name IRL Ahmad
2. Your age 33
3. Time zone GMT+3
4. Average online per day 6-7 hours per day
5. Your Discord ahmad#0004
6. Your Nickname Ahmad McLovin
7. Your ID 158439
Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
All States Organizations Are on TOP
1. Your name IRL Ahmad
2. Your age 33
3. Time zone GMT+3
4. Average online per day 6-7 hours per day
5. Your Discord ahmad#0004
6. Your Nickname Ahmad McLovin
7. Your ID 158439
Additional information
1. Leader of National Guard
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
- I have been in National Guard for a very long time under Generals Saif Khan, and Bob Captain terms. Now I'm serving General Henry Conner's term as Major. Moreover, I became Major General under Steve Dash's term. When I first started working, I started in GOV under Vick Vengarr term as secretary then after long hours of work through days and nights I became Deputy of Public Relations. My journey didn't stop at this, but I joined LSPD under Syndra Lovinhood's and FIB under Mike White terms. I worked from the bottom till I reach my way up.
- I stick my nose to work and only work. My work speaks for itself at any org that I have been into. I'm not in any family. I don't gain anything from it. Not only that, but I know the feeling of lower ranks busting themselves to work while High Commands spend their times at the city or at the beach market trying to hook up with girls or farming from org and leaving all work to guys with lower ranks. This is not good and unfair and I want to change that. They're not setting a good example for the rest.
- I have seen good workers leaving organizations because High Commands are always picking their friends and family members over hardworking people. I want to end favoritism and connections from organizations. Everyone will get a fair treatment whether you know me or not. Who works hard will receive promotions, bonuses, and a fair treatment.
- I will make all departments inside National Guard will be more active ever than before. They will be obligated to give me daily reports of their units.
- I want to make sure that all events and tasks are completed.
- I want our work with other organizations in professional ways. We will work hand by hand to achieve the highest Role-Play in National Guard and everywhere.
- I want to make units who at the gates, not only stand at the gate just waiting for trespassers. I want them to welcome other organization at the gates, get their identification, ask permissions to let them inside our organization. Also, let units have the ability to search other units who are going off duty at the gate by searching cars and searching whoever leaves from gates, no matter if you're High Command or small rank units. We will be treated equally.
- Bonus system will be improved, max bonuses for those who work hard as a team.
- National Guard will be with more Tactics and strategies to all.
- I'll be doing meetings with other orgs to take their feedback about our units to those not follow chain of commands.
- I'll make sure National Guard responding quickly to every situation or special missions to help other orgs and to work with them.
- We will arrange weekly trainings to all units, so we can refresh their minds to avoid mistakes in situations during events, and providing ammorun to all organizations in all time.
- I will put more attention to lower ranks units to prepare them to be the best High Command in the future, to step up and be role model for others.
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