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Jun 29, 2023
Your name IRL : Umer
Your age : 16
Time zone : GMT+5
Average online per day : 6 hours
Your Discord : umersigma12
Your Nickname : Umer Mughal
Your ID : 37549
Additional information
Leader of... Families gang

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to become families leader because in my past my experience have been a lot in gangs. As i have been different ranks in each every gang. Families has always been my home since i left the leos, and want to try something new. that is why i choose the families and want to ad that leader experience, in to my record.

Trough my years in the city i have seen every type of rp skill, and want to make this term the best! i want to make rp better in every event and when robbing people. To make a good rp we need good debuts and HC that knows the rules as their own pocket. With attending to every event and be active on store robberies, Fort Zancudo raids, Battleship and Clandestine. When active in every event we show other gangs and cops who is on top! As i know sometimes not every event is funny for everyone, that is why i will give out allot of bonuses to make sure everyone is attending. Also the community in gangs is really important, that's why i will make sure everyone is good, and if they need something they can ask either me or my debuts, and we will take care of it.

As it is my second year in the city i want to try out something new, as i have never been a gang leader before and think that is a good opportunity for me to learn the last few things i don't know. with most experience as a police i also love gangs and here is where i will be the next months. With my debuts we will make a strict team with gang members that is knowing the rules by the book, also when hiring people no matter their years in the city, we will ask the needed questions like everyone else needs.

Your advices for improving Roleplay level in organization.

i will improve the RP in basicaly everything, so to do that i need guys with good experience if not, they at least need to know the rules before joining. when that is done i will continue with events making sure we don't see a single rulebreaker, and if we see anyone do a rulebreake we make sure to punish and talk with them before letting them go by their own again. In worst case fire them from the organization. with good rp we make the gang even more funn and fearless. we build the best comunity with experienced players showing that families is on top!!
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