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Mia Calipso

May 11, 2023
Organization: National Guard.

Name: Mia Calipso
Gender: Female
Age: 23 IC
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: New Jersey
Sexuality: Bisexual
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Purple
Tattoos: Left arm, Right arm, Right leg and stomach
Strengths: Helpful, Leadership skill and smart
Weakness: Power, anger issues and Easily annoyed

Life Story: The Mia tale It's a long narrative of how she became the person she is now, so sit back and enjoy Mia Calipso's Life narrative. When Mia was young, her parents were not wealthy, so her childhood was filled with things like the other kids she would hang out with, who were wealthy and did not have to worry about eating that day, but what she had to do was steal from the other kids' homes and stores just to make enough money to eat for the day because her parents could no longer do so. She was also an only child growing up, so it was difficult with no help, but she did it for a long time until something happened. would never occur Mia got caught for stealing from stores and other places so she had to go to jail for this and at the time she was only 14 at the time her parents never came to see her or anything but when she got out her parents were gone know where to go and no where to go she end up growing up and getting a job she did not want to look in the past no more so she moved to a city called Los Santos to start a new life but she was going to make sure that the pain she had was on others.

Career Story: I see that you like the last tale, so let me now tell you about Mia Calipso's professional journey. Mia was in SHAP before but she did not like it there because she was an good for ones and could not cause pain on others like the plan that she had when she moved to Los Santos so Mia joined the Balls gang because she loved it, but everything has to come to an end, and she wanted to go back to SHAP to be a corruption cop, so that is what she did. She made sure to help her people out of the gang that were still in the gang and make sure they were safe but she had put pain on other but she left SHAP to try something new in her life and to try to be good, so she went to become a lawyer. She was good at her job, but she hated it and wanted to try something new again, so she joined an organization called FIB. But with Mia, nothing can last. She got offered an opportunity to work as an HC in NG, and she knew that she could inflict pain and corruption there. So Mia joined NG to try something new again and the goal was set in place ones again to cause pain on others.

1- Mia can take bribes. ( up to 100k )
2- Mia can smash and break bodycams. ( /try 2 times per situation )
3- Mia can help his family members escape if they are getting arrested or doing illegal activities.
4- Mia can sell drugs and weapons at the black market. ( No org weapons )
5- Mia can use weapons and items he takes from criminals.
6- Mia can listen in to the NG radio when off duty
7- Mia does not have to read the Miranda rights.
8- Mia can refuse to show any type of identification while on and off duty.
9- Mia has the same ability to frighten and disrespect anyone as gang members do (Keeping in mind toxicity, Gen 6.10 and 6.19)
10 Mia may lie about any information relation to him about in order to protect his own status.
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