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Most Experienced RolePlayer.
Feb 18, 2023
Name: Quin Claire
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Los Santos, Rockford Hills.
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Emerald
Hair color: Pink
Tattoos: Tattoo on leg. Depicting powerful and self-dependent women.

Life Story:

Quin Claire was born and raised in the bustling streets of Los Santos, growing up in a modest neighborhood filled with hardworking families. From a young age, Quin was exposed to the challenges of an underprivileged upbringing, witnessing the struggles of those around them and harboring a deep resentment towards the system that seemed to perpetuate inequality.
As a teenager, Quin found solace and camaraderie among a group of rebellious peers who shared their frustrations with the state of the city. They engaged in peaceful protests and community activism, advocating for social change and an end to systemic injustices. However, as time went on, Quin became disillusioned with peaceful means of resistance and began to believe that true power lay in subverting the system from within.

With a desire to effect change and an unyielding determination, Quin applied to join the San Andreas Highway Patrol (SAHP). Their intention was to become a catalyst for reform and to challenge the corruption that plagued the department. Quin saw law enforcement as a means to protect the vulnerable and address the disparities they had witnessed growing up.

Career Story:

After joining the SAHP, Officer Quin Claire's noble intentions gradually became compromised. The harsh realities of the department and the pressure to conform to its existing corrupt practices began to weigh heavily on Quin's conscience. Despite their initial resistance, Quin found themselves succumbing to the temptations of the corrupt culture that pervaded the department.
Quin's dedication and astute investigative skills caught the attention of the SAHP's leadership, and they were eventually promoted to the position of Chief of Division. In this role, Quin is responsible for overseeing a specialized unit tasked with various law enforcement duties, including tackling organized crime and responding to high-risk situations.

Within this division, Quin Claire walks a delicate line between maintaining the facade of lawfulness and engaging in corrupt activities. Their position of authority provides them with opportunities to manipulate operations, selectively enforce the law, and protect criminal associates.

Quin Claire remains an active member of the SAHP, leading their division within the organization. While they may have started their law enforcement career with honorable intentions, Quin has become entangled in the web of corruption that they once sought to dismantle. They continue to balance their role within the SAHP with their involvement in activities that perpetuate the very issues they initially set out to eradicate.
Quin Claire's story serves as a cautionary tale, illustrating the challenges faced by those who strive to effect change within a flawed system. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining integrity and finding alternative avenues for bringing about meaningful reform without succumbing to corruption.


1. Quin is able to receive bribes up to 100K maximum and letting someone go.

2. Quin is allowed to use illegal weapons on or off duty.

3. Quin is able to try to break any kind of bodycams of civilians or officers. (/try twice per situation)

4. Quin is allowed to attend illegal activities with his family or friends. (not against Leo's)

5. Quin is able to pick up weapons off the ground and keep them for himself after the fight is over.

6. Quin is allowed to sell goods at the Black Market. (except organization stuff and items)

7. Quin is able to help his friends or family members to escape from custody.

8. Quin is able to take criminal's weapon instead of confiscating it.

9. Quin is able to drive off-road using SUV’s or any 4-door vehicles (No Non-RP Driving)

10. Quin might tell his 10-15s to drop him their illegal items as a bribe.(guns, ammo, illegal
body armours etc).
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