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Rejected BRIGHT | Unofficial Organization

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Jun 4, 2022
Family name : BRIGHT
Family founder : Aybo Bright id:821
Family house no : 1145
Family owner discord : ayberkbabur
Family owner forum link : Ayberk Ayberk

Family History:

Karma is generally known as a law with different meanings in some religions. Karma is a representation of good and evil. In 1980, 7 brothers came together and some fight for good and some for evil at the table where business owners have the right to speak. Their legal and illegal affairs have survived to the present day, and they have gained the right to speak and respect at certain points in order to maintain dominance in the city. The names of 7 brothers come from 7 deadly sins, some of them serve for good and some for evil, and that's why they adopted the name of the family as Bright.

Ranks in order:

Rank1: Pleb- New fam Member
Rank2: Rookie - Member who can hold a gun
Rank3: Novice - Experienced family member
Rank4: Master - Starting to take over the family business
Rank5: Turfer - Leading warriors of the family
Rank6: Helper Assistant - Leading experienced warriors of the family
Rank7: Assistant - Family assistant
Rank8: Deputy - Family manager
Rank9: Bright - Deputy leader of family.
Rank10: Leader - Leader Of Family.

Family Rules:

1- First rule is respect
2- Everyone has to listen to family managers
3- Theft is prohibited in the family
4- The family is governed by hierarchy
5- It is mandatory to wear our uniform during family events
6- Everyone must obey the city rules

Main goals of the organisations:
Stand by the oppressed
Grinding for Top 10 family
Earn respect in the city

Family Outfit

Family Logo

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