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Max Armani

Aug 26, 2023
Family Name:

Family house number:

Family Owner:
Max Armani
ID: 263169

Family owner Forum Profile:
Max Armani

Family owner Discord ID:

Family Logo:

Family Backstory:

The Armani family traces its roots back to the coastal towns of North Yorkshire/United Kingdom. They were primarily involved in the production of high-quality textiles and garments, which earned them their name, synonymous with luxury and elegance.

Migration to Los Santos: In the early 1900s, seeking opportunities to expand their business, the Armanis migrated to Los Santos. The city's growing population and glitz appealed to their sense of ambition. They were able to get alot of good jobs with high command positions which soon made them known amongst Los Santos elites.

Shift to Organized Crime: As with many immigrant families of the time, the pressures of a new city, fierce competition, and a different culture took a toll. To protect their interests, the Armani family had to resort to making underground deals and forming alliances with local gangs. Over time, their involvement in the criminal underworld deepened. From protection rackets to smuggling exotic textiles and luxury goods, they expanded their operations.

Family Rules:

1. When invited to discord, member needs to change server name as followed : IC First Name/Last Name/IC-ID
2. Anti-Afk is not allowed, and forbidden in family house.
3. Must know all server rules, and obey them.
4. If there is ooc/ic family issues/complaints, privately DM Founder/Co-Founder of family.
5. When using family vehicles, park according to the law. All fines recieved by member will be added to family debt channel. Members must pay the fines or theyll be removed. (Taking uninsured cars prohibited.)
6. This family is for us to have fun, please do not go around disrespecting other citizens. No toxicity , always BE RESPECTFUL.
7. No foreign languages on fam chat, and radio.
8. Always respect chain of command. Although if you feel like higher command is in the wrong you can make a report to Founder/Co-Founders.
9. NEVER STEAL FROM FAMILY, and abusing unofficial family functions.
10. We only want loyal members, any member shows any unloyalty will be removed.

Family Goals:


Family Ranks:

10. Head of Family

9. Deputy Head
One of the very first members of the Armani. Overseeing the entire family.

8. Manager
Awarded to members for outstanding long-term contributions to family, among the most loyal members leading Armani.

7. Assistant Manager
This rank is given to those who are mature enough to continue their way up and help Armani.

6. Boss
This rank is given to those who have proved themselves in administration, courage, and loyalty

5. Street Boss
The first rank with smallest administrative role. Given to members who remained loyal/active since they've joined.

4. Sicario
Succeeded in proving him/herself as a trustworthy person within the Armani family.

3. OG Gangster
The member's aim is to express his loyalty to the Armani family.

2. Thug
Fairly recent member who has passed entrance trial, and is now a regular family member.

1. Young Blood

Recently approved member whose role is to show what they've got to be an Armani.

Family Outfit:

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