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Sep 10, 2023
Organization : SAHP

Name : Subha Lenoxx
Gender : Male
Age : 18
Nationality : Indian
Place of Birth : Los Santos
Sexuality : Straight
Eye color : White
Hair color : White
Tattoos : N/A
Strengths : Good At Shooting , Knowledge, experience
Weakness : hot-tempered

Life Story : Subha Lenoxx grew up in the gritty neighborhoods of Los Santos, surrounded by crime and poverty. His parents struggled to make ends meet, and Subha quickly learned that sometimes, bending the rules was necessary to survive. This streetwise upbringing eventually led him to a life in law enforcement.Subha started small, accepting bribes from low-level criminals to turn a blind eye or provide inside information. As he gained experience, he learned how to cover his tracks, allowing him to operate in the shadows while still maintaining a facade of duty and honor. Subha Lenoxx had transitioned from a life of gang affiliations to a new form of corruption, exploiting his position in law enforcement. His story was a haunting reminder that corruption could manifest in unexpected ways, even within the very system meant to uphold justice.

Career Story : Subha has always been drawn to the idea of serving her community and making a positive impact on society. Born and raised in the bustling city of Los Santos, he witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by her neighborhood and was inspired to bring about change. With an unwavering sense of duty and a keen sense of justice, Subha set his sights on a career in law enforcement.After graduating from the police academy, Subha joined the San Andreas Highway Patrol with dreams of making a difference in the city he called home. However, as years passed, he became disillusioned with the system. The rampant corruption within the force and the allure of quick cash eroded his idealism.Subha is a master of playing both sides. To his colleagues, he appears as a dedicated and hardworking officer, always ready to uphold the law. However, underneath this veneer, he's a cunning and ruthless individual who will stop at nothing to protect his illicit empire. As subha's corruption grew, the city's crime rate skyrocketed. The very criminals he was supposed to be fighting against prospered under his protection. The citizens of Silverton lived in fear, knowing that the police force was compromised and that justice was a distant dream.

Outcomes :-
. Subha would be able to enter ghetto only while being off duty and kill, rob gang members And Do Illegal activities with family members and friends. (No Illegal Activities Against Leo's)
2. Subha can help prisoners to escape or remove criminals from wanted list and remove their criminal record
3. Subha can break people’s bodycams (/try to find it) (/do to destroy it) (only twice per situations)
4. Subha can lie about requesting a lawyer or deny one.
5. Subha can accept bribes. (max 100,000$) (He Can Also Leak Police Information To Gangs,Friends, Family)
6.Subha can break all state laws (all penal codes and traffic codes) because of his criminal past and face no consequences. (Not Breaking Any Server Rules)
7. Subha can sell and buy weapons in black market. (Subha will not sell org weapons in black market)
8. Subha can refuse to show his ID to citizens or other law enforcement officers to maintain his privacy and secrecy. ( He Can Also Carry Radio Off Duty For Safety )
9. Subha can accept bribes and illegal ammunition from suspects and 10 15s. Also, Subha can release friends or Family in transport while heading to the DOC. (Max 100,000$) (Dark Net function can be used to help escape) (No bribe to become a hostage).
10.Subha can pick up guns from fight and he might use them on and off duty even if they are illegal.
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