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Feb 13, 2022

Petra Loco

Jan 19, 2022
Hello to all admins!
First off all I am writing this because a little mistake made me got banned.
So lets begin.
I was in family Venom on balkan server. I had a good time and met some good people there. The things were going fine.
I was in family about a week and i told my leader i am going to trip and i wont be in town for 5days, and it was all good.
So i told my brother to gain hours by afk, the things between me and him werent as good and he wanted a revenge. I went to trip and leave it to my brother, he was mad at me and took 5-ak47 and 2-revolvers and some bullets and left the family. He done that because i left earlier the family where we were together and went to Venom. The leader of the family Venom than went to forum and reported it to admins. Than after 1day my brother told me that i got banned. So i went on forum and saw the report.
I immediately went do application discord and call him we talked and he understand me and all what happened.
He understand all and after a long conversation it turned out that I was in his town. He forgive me about everything and wanted to get back my account and to play together again as he gained my trust.
The evidence number 1:

In this evidence its a message to one of admins from the leader of Venom (id 5674) and its meaning is " Hi i got in contact with the man who done that he has little brother who done that and leaved, he actually isnt home so if i can pull my appeal, to defend him I am sorry for him and everyone need to have a second chance.
In this message we can see that he believes and want to get over it and just continue to roleplay again as we were.
So please accept this and understand that this is a small mistake and that everyone makes mistakes in life and no one should be forbidden to play games that are dear to them.
I play for a month and a half non-stop every day for 10 hours and I invested a lot of time and myself into that account that I would now so easily lose everything. Mistakes happen and are a part of life everyone needs to have a new chance to prove themselves and that is why I ask you to understand and give it to me.
It's all about forgiving others and learning from mistakes its a really small mistake and I would like us to get over this because this will never happen again my nick is Petar Benz (id 13852). The name of the leader of Venom is igyyy1 and he can confirm everything.

Thans for reading many greetings and I hope this will all end happily.
The message is for Mazhor.

Mujo Simba

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
May 8, 2021
Poštovanje, nakon pregleda vaše žalbe odlučeno je da ćemo vam dati još jednu šansu i da idući put dobro vodite računa o tome šta radite. Cekajte finalni odgovor od kuratora projekta
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