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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Feb 14, 2022


Jan 20, 2022
I was warned and demorganed from approximately 2 hours for "breaking" greenzone rule 1.2 which is completely false, I attempted to have a suitable conversation with Darren directly as soon as that thread was accepted but he had no interest in removing or decreasing my punishment. Rule 1.2 for greenzone states "1.2 It is forbidden to buy weapons, drugs. Also to kidnapp, rob people and put bags on players head. / Warn" - now if you check that video, I was in the pinkish Lamborghini as reference not the black vehicle doing his own thing; if I look from my eyes, I can clearly watch that whole 2 minute video and see me break checking the tow truck, not firing a single shot, nor leaving the vehicle and during my conversation with Darren he says this "Doesn't matter, you were with the black vehicle so you were involved in whatever they do", this is just a rough guess on what he says but it is decent enough to understand, no matter if I am involved with them or not, it doesn't correlate with what that rule says and neither does it with any of the greenzone rules.

I am happy to take a VDM demorgan which I have already taken due to my 3 hour long concurrent demorgan but a warn + demorgan over something that I didn't do is completely and utterly ridiculous, I never shot at anyone, no one can base judgement on what I could of done if there is no POV of it occurring, I had no intension to kill the individual, my intension was to stop them to talk to them.

To add onto this, the reason we were attempting to stop the vehicle in the first place was because Carlos Geovanni, the individual driving the black vehicle had a warrant so he was wanted country wide, no matter where he was and FIB did engage in combat with us prior to this incident, hence why we were doing this. I fail to understand how half of us who weren't even doing anything wrong can get a warn for 7 days and a 180 minute demorgan.

I ask for this to be re-reviewed with clear understanding of which vehicle I was in and what I was doing, all I am requesting other than this is the removal of the warn at bare minimum, I have finished my 3 hour demorgan and understand what occured shouldn't have occured but I wasn't the one shooting, nor was I the one ramming.

Darren Miller

May 25, 2021
as you stat i did come and talk with you about this where i stated what was your overall goal of trying to stop the tow truck in the green zone you said ''well probably process was kill but i was only break checking them'' you was punished for Green Zone rule 1.2 with states 1.2 It is forbidden to buy weapons, drugs. Also to kidnapp, rob people and put bags on players head. / Warn
with that in mind it could have fallen under Green zone rule1.1 Green Zone killings are prohibited /Warn
the punishment for killing in a green zone does not require the person to be fully killed to be punished
a green zone is a place where all criminal acts are forbidden and the punishment for that would also be /warn

please await senior admin decision


Jan 20, 2022
as you stat i did come and talk with you about this where i stated what was your overall goal of trying to stop the tow truck in the green zone you said ''well probably process was kill but i was only break checking them'' you was punished for Green Zone rule 1.2 with states 1.2 It is forbidden to buy weapons, drugs. Also to kidnapp, rob people and put bags on players head. / Warn
with that in mind it could have fallen under Green zone rule1.1 Green Zone killings are prohibited /Warn
the punishment for killing in a green zone does not require the person to be fully killed to be punished
a green zone is a place where all criminal acts are forbidden and the punishment for that would also be /warn

please await senior admin decision
Then that specific rule needs to be rephrased as it doesn't clearly state that, it states as you have just said "Green Zone rule 1.2 with states 1.2 It is forbidden to buy weapons, drugs. Also to kidnapp, rob people and put bags on players head. / Warn" which was not done whatsoever by me. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to argue or be a dickhead, I just don't understand how I can get a warn and 3 hour demorgan for something that never occured and the warn not even explained with the rule.


Jan 20, 2022
These two rules you have linked haven't occurred, the warn and demorgan are being based off what could have happened but it didn't happened so I fail to understand how they can be put into effect.


Jan 20, 2022
Also, DOC is a greenzone, lets say I do a prison break, which is a criminal activity, does that mean I will get warned? No... Neither did I engage in any criminal activities while I was at legion square, all I did was drive around illegally which doesn't mean I get a warn...

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
Daren take correct decision, as all you where involved in this situation
CarRaming / Criminal activity in City against police and responsibility for your group actions are spread on all group
Next time think twice before doing in group illegal actions.
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