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Wolff Dora

Mar 30, 2023
Organisation: San Andreas Highway Patrol

Name: Ironic Uchiha

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Nationality: American

Place of Birth: United States Of America

Sexuality: Straight

Eye Colour: Brown

Hair Colour: Red

Tattoos: 1 on right arm, 1 on left arm, 1 on the back, 1 on the torso area

Strengths: Sharp Shooter, Courageous, Bold, Brave, good team worker, good commanding personality

Weaknesses: Maybe overconfident sometimes, Has serious problems trusting people

———— Life Story———-
Ironic Uchiha was Born and brought up on the streets of Nevada in the states. Having a windowed mom who sold flowers to make money, they were mostly penniless. Having no proper guidance to guide him in life, Ironic soon began to fall into bad company. He made some friends who came from similar backgrounds to his- broke, struggling to make money, doing minor illegal activities to earn money. He soon too joined them in their work and started to steal minor items from different stores. Once, which his friend Akio Salvador when he was at a jewellery store, akio was distracting the shop owner when Ironic stole a gold chain and tried to flee the area with Akio. But unfortunately, he was seen by a local police officer. Akio ran and jumped across a barricade leaving Ironic helpless, when Ironic tried to escape the officer threatened to shoot him, even if he moved an inch. Akio felt bad for Ironic but there was nothing he could’ve done to save him. He was only 17 at this time and had to go to prison. In prison he came to know that his mother died due to starvation. There were a lot of criminals in Los Santos Back then, killing, theft, robberies were common as well. There was nothing police could do in the gangs area- The Ghetto. Ironic was given 2 option while he was in Jail. Either rot there for years or join the U.S Army as it was recruiting and earn some money there. He was a born dead eye shooter.

—————- Career Story————-
He served in the army for 15 years getting the rank of a Major General (28) he didn’t reach that rank all by sunshine and rainbows tho. There were many instances where he almost got taken as a hostage, got killed, robbed, shot, left to die in wilderness but he managed to survive all that. Because of his rough childhood, he wasn’t able to look for anything else other than his personal profit. He continued to do his dirty work as a National Guard. He killed everyone who came in his way. He once killed an FIB AGENT because he caught him with NG weapons while he was off duty. Well the fib officer was non other than the friend who left him to die at the jewellery store. He stole ammo from the organisation. Finished everyone who caught him do corruption. Injected truth serum during interrogations to make his work more efficient. But all the work of NG was too much for him and his age was catching up with him as well. So he got a transfer from NG to SAHP. There he started as a new man but sadly old habits never left him. He still is a corrupt officer who would continue his corruption because that’s the only good way to make money according to him!

1. Ironic would be able to enter ghetto only while being off duty and kill, rob gang members with family members and friends.

2. Ironic would be able to put serums in people. Truth serum(will force the 10-15 to speak only the truth) and Forgetting serum (will make the 10-15 forget everything which happened in the last 5 minutes)
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