Hello, I Received a warning for general rule 6.15 the person that I killed was swearing at me I pulled out a gun to intimidate the person in order for him to stop swearing however he proceeded to swear while a gun was pointed in his face (not fearing for his life) I then said to him swear one more time you will die however he did not care for his life and continued to swear while a gun was pointed at him, you mentioned 'Rp' In real life if someone points a gun at someone they are not going to continue to insult that person and they will fear for their life also you mentioned I never gave him enough time but when I was counting down he was continuously punching me, I gave him two chances which I think is more then enough how can I continue to count down to 0 if I am being punched repeatedly in my face you cant talk and be punched in the face at the same time that's not realistic therefore he attacked a gang member with a gun who warned him several times to 'leave the area' and 'stop swearing or your dead' and led him to obviously die that is not random death match as I warned him on two different occasions.