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Approved Ballas | Hide from drunk Snipers | 3.11.2023

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Peren Hill

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Nov 14, 2022
Date and time of the event: 03/11/2023 at 18:45

The organization that is conducting the event:
The Ballas Gang

The event scenario Must be detailed and include the whole event:

Hiders will try to hide while the drunk Ballas seekers with heavy snipers trying to catch and hunt them, they must try to survive by hiding (not inside of walls etc.) the best between all the hiders and avoid the seekers.

Why this event:
Hide and seek has always been my favourite, I wanted to make it in a more fun way by getting the seekers drunk and making it inside of a dark place.

Role of Each Organization involved:
Ballas: Seekers. Other Organisations: Hiders.

Other organizations involved:
All organizations

Vehicles/weapons needed:
Insurgent to block entrance, Heavy Snipers to seekers.

Admin Requirements:
Blocking the entrance of the Humane Labs with insurgent after teleporting everyone to the location, give out the heavy snipers to the seekers and make a countdown so hiders can hide, to check if there's anybody alive yet or not to see the winner if we can not find, also being sure that no one is getting inside walls etc by emotes.

Rules of the event:

Rules of the event: No fight between hiders, Seekers should be drunk with the vodka (I will give it out)

How is the event won?
The last person who is alive among the hiders wins.

Prize for the winner:
300K for winner

Screenshots of the venue:

Map Location of the venue:
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