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Rejected Government corrupt biography I Levi Pluxuryy 6479

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Nov 9, 2023
Organization: Government

Name: Levi Pluxuryy
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: Los Santos,USA
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Both Hands, Torso and Right Leg Left Leg and Chest
Strengths: Sharp Shooter Good Driving Skills
Weakness: OverThinking and over confidence

Life Story: Once upon a time, in a bustling city named Los Santos lived a notorious boy named Levi. he was infamous throughout the city for his involvement in various criminal activities. Levi was known for his cunning mind, daring heists, and the ability to always stay one step ahead of the law. he was a mastermind in planning and executing complex thefts, art forgeries, and even hacking into secure systems.

As the years went by, Levi criminal empire grew, and he became a legend in the underworld. he accumulated immense wealth, luxurious possessions, and a reputation that struck fear into the hearts of both law enforcement and rival criminals.

he got some friends who made his test herself in the military and with his friend's support he applied and joined the military there he got on the good side and started loving it knowing about the work and spent 4 months in the military then 2 months at the capitol as a good employee. he then got to criminal side to understand their thinking and thought process.

Career Story: Levi has always been drawn to the idea of serving his community and making a positive impact on society. Born and raised in the bustling city of Los Santos, he witnessed firsthand the challenges faced by his neighborhood and was inspired to bring about change. With an unwavering sense of duty and a keen sense of justice, Levi set his sights on a career in law enforcement.

Early Life and Inspiration: Growing up, Levi was exposed to stories of his grandfather, who had been a respected Government Officer in his time. His tales of dedication, bravery, and the difference he had made in people's lives left an indelible mark on his young mind. Levi admired his grandfather's commitment to upholding the law and decided to follow in his footsteps.

Educational Pursuits: After completing his high school education with honors, Levi pursued a degree in Criminal Justice at Los Santos University. he excelled in his studies, displaying a deep understanding of the legal system, ethics, and investigative techniques. his professors noticed her dedication and enthusiasm, and she became known as a diligent and responsible student.

Government and Early Career: Upon graduating with top honors, Levi applied to join the Government. His determination, physical fitness, and sharp analytical skills stood out during the rigorous training program. he graduated at the top of his class and was quickly recruited into the Government.

As Levi continued to thrive in his role, he developed a passion for USSS work. he pursued additional training in Hostage situation handling, safeguarding the VIP, and combat skills. His ability to connect seemingly unrelated pieces of evidence and his talent for understanding the motivations behind criminal behavior set his apart.

Levi exceptional skills did not go unnoticed. he was promoted to Head of the Department of USSS and assigned to Cos, where he focused on sharing his knowledge and skills with new ones. His ability to gather crucial information and build solid cases against criminals became her trademark.


1. Levi Can Buy And Sell Illegal Guns From Black Market ( No OrganizationWeapons).
2. Levi Can Leak Any Classified Information To Gang Members For Certain Amount Of Money (Max 100k).
3. Levi can accept bribes and illegal ammunition from suspects and 10 15s. (Max 100k )
4. Levi might want to keep his privacy when doing corrupt activities. Therefore she might refuse to show her ID.
5. Levi can try to break bodycams of people. (/try can only be used 2 times per situation).
6. Levi can use illegal guns and drugs on duty and off duty.
7. Levi can Kill, Rob, and Kidnap citizens in Ghetto with Her Family Members.
8. Levi has a hidden camera around his chest which records 24x7.(All time)
9. Levi can lie about requesting an attorney, or deny one.

10. Levi can pick up guns from fight and she might use them on and off duty even if they are illegal.

Oghi Flann

Retired Senior State
Nov 7, 2022

Outcome 8 : RP Commands still need to be done for valid bodycam.
Outcome 10 : Rejected (its the same as outcome 6, you cant loot during the gun fight)

GOV 5/5 Bios

Have fun and follow the rules!

All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC​
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