alright sir the first thing is that i was there when both of u combat logged /crashed (83 and 10481) but didn't see both of u combat logging as I was doing some admin stuff side by side too but saw your question mark and other guy's question mark when a guy asked for help as u both combat logged so I told them I need a POV for this situation and they actually provided that (and ye no one told me this discord policy as I have saw a lot of times admin getting POV through discord and punishing the sometimes) and one more thing that the reason for combat logging is actually crashing and ye the id 83 came back right after crashing but I didn't see u coming back right after the situation.
although I don't have POV of all this as my screen recorder was not working (Xbox game bar) and giving errors so i will let this handle my seniors and let him decide, ty and have a nice day .
Sorry for all the misunderstanding and as it was 1am for me so I went to sleep and was not able to see your report if u maded a appeal in game