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Leon Baker

Aug 29, 2021
  • Your name IRL: Leon Baker
  • Your age (OOC): 20
  • Time zone + Country: UTC +3, Russia (Moscow)
  • Daily time played on the server (XX:XX AM - XX:XX PM): Usually from 13:00 to 20:00
  • Average online per week: 30-40 Hours
  • Your Discord ID: LeonBaker
  • Your Nickname (IC): Leon Baker
  • Your ID: 60399
  • Your In-Game Level: 42
  • Curatorship choice (State or Crime): State
  • Languages Spoken: English, Russian, Georgian, Kurdish

Additional Information
1. Why do you want to become an admin and leave RP-life?
  • I jumped into GrandRP back in 2021 and ended up rocking the role of Server Administrator. But life got crazy busy, and I had to step down due to time crunches and real-life stuff. That hiatus turned into a long break from the GRP community. This year, though, I sorted out those issues and bounced back with a truckload of energy and drive to dive back into making this community awesome. After such a long pause, I figured it's about time to check in on the RP side of the server, and man, there have been loads of changes. Unfortunately, not all of them were gold stars, especially when it comes to the RP quality and keeping players happy. That was my main gig when I first donned the Admin hat, and I'm eager to pick up where I left off - making sure everyone knows that Admins are here to back them up and turn those rough experiences around.
2. What positions have you held in the city? (Crime and State)
  • SAHP - UnderSheriff (Rebekah McLong's term)
  • FIB - HOD of UC (Ellen Bubble's term)
3. What are your strengths?
  • Fairness - I treat everyone in the same way, regardless of the person being a stranger or a close friend of mine.
  • Multi-Tasking - Ability to deal with several tasks at the same time helps me to make my work more productive.
  • Time Management - Ability to properly manage time helps me to use the full potential of my multitasking skills.
  • Previous Experience - I have already been Server Administrator on GRP and I have an understanding of the procedures.
4. What are your weaknesses?
  • Too Detail Oriented - Focusing too much on details can be a bit stressful sometimes.
  • Self-Criticism - While forcing myself to do better and to do more can be great, that can be stressful too.
5. What skills can you bring to the admin team?
  • I'm good at solving conflicts and fixing problems, and I can stay calm in tough situations. I also know my way around tech stuff, which is super helpful. I really enjoy helping people and making connections with them. If you need someone who's cool under pressure and great at keeping things smooth, I'm your person!
6. Will you be ready to sell your business? (It's restricted to have a business while you are an admin)
  • I don't own a business, so no issues here.
7. Any IRL issue or Situation that is Preventing you From being Active at the moment?
  • I don't have any issues with activity. However, I have to note that I have a full-tme job 2-3 days per week (random dates, not in a row), which means 2-3 days a week I am completely unavailable to be in-game. On the other hand, my job gives me ability to do the work which does not require me to be in-game - forum complaints. Hope this won't be an issue, considering I can spend lots of time in-game in other days.

John Lark

Just a stranger
Aug 6, 2021
You have been selected for the interview!
Please DM me as soon as possible on Discord.​
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