Server: EN 3
Account ID: 52104
Problem type: Other
Date: 2023-11-12
Time: 8:00-8:30
Problem description: Yesterday I had 5.4 million in my bank account and today when I logged into my ID 5 million wasn't there and the rest of 400k are still in my bank acount
I have complain my issue in technical section 12 nov but no reponse and also today I complain but reponse and remove my forum in technical section please give my money back this is not fair
Sorry for select type of punishment: warm ignore this
Account ID: 52104
Problem type: Other
Date: 2023-11-12
Time: 8:00-8:30
Problem description: Yesterday I had 5.4 million in my bank account and today when I logged into my ID 5 million wasn't there and the rest of 400k are still in my bank acount
I have complain my issue in technical section 12 nov but no reponse and also today I complain but reponse and remove my forum in technical section please give my money back this is not fair
Sorry for select type of punishment: warm ignore this