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Rusty Bozkurt

Aug 20, 2023
Name: Rusty Bozkurt
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Nationality: British
Place of Birth: Los Santos
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: left-right arm, chest and back
Strengths: highly intelligent and very good at analyzing situations he is in. Cold blooded personality and performs good under high pressure
Weakness: His Obsession for success

Life Story: 100+ Words
Rusty born in a wealth family in Los Santos city. His father was a minister of state and his mother was a skilled surgeon in Pillbox Hill Medical Center. From his young ages Rusty started to shown signals that he was different among other people with his age. He was smart, dedicated, but also very stubborn and obsessive when he wants something. He was successful in school life but at the age of 16, when he was traveling with his family gangs surrounded them and killed his mother and father. So, in couple of minutes, he lost everything... But one of the friends of his father, Mr. Garip wanted to help him. Garip was the deputy director of USSS. So he trained Rusty and eventually Rusty also joined USSS. Over the years Rusty climbed the ranking ladders one by one and became the deputy director of USSS. During that time his love for gun fight and danger growth so much that he quit USSS to become deputy head of division for SWAT task force in LSPD. With his dedication for success and hard work he kept climbing ranks also in LSPD and he became Chief of Staff. Also as a result of his hard work and bravery he got Excellency Cross and Chief’s Honor awards.

Even though his career was full of success, this was just a part of real truth. Beneath of this big career there was also his obsession for success and things he can do for the revenge he is planning to get from the gangs of Los Santos. As he faced with bigger and bigger criminals, he started to realize it was not enough to arrest them. He was arresting a criminal one day and the other day another was released from prison or another person takes his place. So he decided that more extreme measures needs to be taken to stop them. This made his line between law and crime became more blurry and greyer as the days go. He also started to become the judge and the executioner of the criminals he caught. One day during an operation that he was commanding to one of the biggest gangs in the city, he captured the gang leader. On their back to DoC, the gang leader offered him a big money. An amount of money that an LSPD officer cant even imagine of gaining. He refused the offer but this offer started to make him think about what he can do with this money to get his revenge from the crime world, even though this conflicts with this obsession towards punishing the criminals. After long days of consideration he dediced that to stop crimes altogether, ne needs to to whatever it takes. Even if it means allowing them slip away one day, if it will benefit to catch more of them later on, it serves the purpose.

With this decision Rusty resigned from LSPD and joined government and based on his previous career and success he became minister of state. Now he is spending his days to plan his revenge on these gangs and he is doing whatever it takes for this purpose, even if it means using their money.

Career Story: 100+ Words
Rusty started his carees as a USSS agent and he was USSS deputy director by the time he left USSS. Than he joined LSPD as the deputy head of division for SWAT task force. With his succesfull special operations he became the head of division of SWAT and he gained the Excellency Cross. His continuous hard work carried him over higher ranks as he became Chief of Staff and with lots of sucesfull special operations and gang raids he is awarded with Chief’s Honour madal. When the current government is elected, one of his old friends in LSPD asked him to join government as he was now part of the new government. So Rusty resigned from LSPD and joined the government as the minister of state for the department of labor.

1.Rusty is able to take bribes up to (100k) and he can ask criminals to drop their weapons or any illegal items so he can keep them for personal use or sell in black market ( not the items that belongs organisatios)
2. Rusty can take the ammunition or weapons dropped by criminals.
3. Rusty is able to use illegal weapons while on/off duty such as XXX weapons, painted weapons, engine blockers and heavy Snipers.
4.Rusty can go undercover with his org weapons such as hand cuffs, body armor and balaclava to use them when there is a situation where a LEOs life is in danger (no personal reason, not entering any gang HQ and not against any LEOs
5. Rusty can do illegal activities With his fam members such as robbing, ghetto clapping etc.
6. Rusty might decide to not follow the law while processing someone ( such as not calling a lawyer or showing ID )
7. Rusty can break someone’s bodycam (with /try . He can try to do this this 2 times per RP situation)
8. Rusty can buy and sell guns and ammunition for his personal purposes ( not including any kind of organization item)
9. Rusty can decide to kill people on/off duty when they don’t comply with his demands ( with proper RP and by not going against any related rule such as Gen Rule 6.15)
10.Rusty knowns to be biased towards his fam member/friends.
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Aditya Gupta

FIB Director
Dec 28, 2022
Mention Organization name in your bio as per the format

You have 6 hours to fix

Aditya Gupta

FIB Director
Dec 28, 2022
Bio Approved

However, Outcome 2: You cannot take in the middle of the gun fight
Outcome 4: Do not store weapon in warehouse or car trunks and do not break Gen rule 6.3
Outcome 5: You can't fight or go against LEOs and do not enter Gangs HQ

Remember, you can still get punished ICLY.

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