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Yuvraj Federal

Dec 9, 2022

Name: Yuvraj Envy
Gender: Male
Nationality: Indian
Place of Birth: India
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Tattoos: Yes
Strengths: Good Shooter and deep insights into the criminal underworld
Weakness: Family, Drugs and cocaine

Life story: Yuvraj Was born in India When growing up Yuvraj Envy Never Knew His Mother or Father as he was raised by himself In the starting life he was unemployed he was searching for jobs first he became a farmer for some time then he find a new job for himself Taxi job he drive taxi for like 1month and then he joined gang for some time then after it he knew about NG he joined NG for 3terms 2 in mac blu's and 1 in Diamond Jozu then he got bored in NG then he joined EMS and then LI And after LI he joined Gang.
and after that he got the leadership of NG that did not went well then after his term got disbanded, he was on a vacation after that he joined Gang for Some Time and after vagos got disbanded He thinked to join Legal Org Back

Carrer Story: Yuvraj's journey from a life of crime to becoming a law enforcement officer is a remarkable transformation that showcases the power of personal growth and redemption.
Yuvraj's early life was marred by adversity. Raised in a tough neighborhood, he was exposed to crime and violence at a young age. Struggling to make ends meet, Yuvraj eventually succumbed to the allure of a criminal gang. During his teenage years, he engaged in a series of illicit activities, including theft, drug dealing, and violence, earning a reputation as a troublemaker.
Yuvraj's life took a dramatic turn when he was arrested for his involvement in a robbery gone awry. While behind bars, he experienced a moment of reflection and realized the futility of his criminal lifestyle. Deep feelings of remorse and a desire for change began to take root within him.
During his time in prison, Yuvraj sought personal rehabilitation. He earned his GED and completed vocational programs. He distanced himself from his former associates and the criminal world that had ensnared him.
Upon his release, Yuvraj was determined to live a life on the right side of the law. Supported by his few trusted friends, he began working various odd jobs and underwent counseling to address the underlying issues that had contributed to his criminal past.
Yuvraj's journey to redemption reached a turning point when he met a police officer who had once arrested him. This officer saw potential for change in Yuvraj and encouraged him to consider a career in law enforcement as a way to give back to his community and make amends for his past.
Becoming a law enforcement officer wasn't easy for Yuvraj. He faced skepticism and resistance due to his criminal history, but he persisted. Yuvraj worked tirelessly to meet the requirements for the job, excelling in both physical and academic training.
Yuvraj graduated from the police academy and joined the force as a probationary officer. He brought a unique perspective on crime and justice, having once been on the other side of the law. His empathy and understanding of individuals with criminal backgrounds proved to be an asset in his new role.Now Yuvraj is in NG now but the illegal activities toughts is still running in his blood so he has decided to take corrupt bio as he is also addicted to cocaine and drugs.


1. Yuvraj can ask criminals to drop their weapons and items and keep them for himself or sell them in the black market. (Not NG items)
2. Yuvraj can take bribes from anyone. (up to $100k).
3. Yuvraj can be a hostage for money. (100k maximum)
4. Yuvraj is baised to his close friends and family and can turn a blind eye in certain situations and is able to take bribes from them. (up to $100k)
5. Yuvraj can use an all kind of illegal items.
6. Yuvraj can do any kind of illegal activities only while off duty (Without breaking server rules and not fighting against Leos)
7. Yuvraj keeps his radio on him 24/7 to listen to NG calls while not on duty.
8. Yuvraj Can use his org weapons, armour and balaclava to respond to situation Quickly while he is off duty to help out other Leos. ( Will not break gen rule 6.3 any how and will not store org items in car trunk or in house warehouse and won’t use org stuff for personal use)
9. Yuvraj can destroy other's bodycams (with /try twice only)
10. Yuvraj Can go to the ghetto (except gang HQs) to shoot/kill/rob people for fun or to save his friends. (will not Fight with the Leos)

Yaswanth Trigger

Always On Consideration .............
Server Administrator
Sep 18, 2022
Bio Approved

Outcome 1: Selling / Buying only while Off duty
Outcome 9 : By following Gen Rule 6.1

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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