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Rejected SAHP Corrupt Bio | Argentiny Jhonson | 814

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Arj Pluxury

"Senior Curator : Support"
Senior Administrator
Nov 15, 2021
Organization: SAHP

Name: Argentiny Jhonson
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Nationality: Egyptian
Place of Birth: Alexandria
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Gray
Tattoos: Arm, legs
Strengths: Clever, Knowledgeable, deceitfulness, helpful
Weakness: Gets angry quickly, Money, Sometimes trusting people

Life Story:

Argentiny was born in a very criminal and poor area in Alexandria, He was almost never able to see his parents whilst growing as they went missing when the boy was only 3 years of age. After that he was sent to his drug and alcohol abusive auntie. Even though the woman loved him she never had time with him and he got heavily influenced by the street waiting for him. In the streets he was taught how to steal, kill, hide and started drinking heavily. This slowly led to drug abuse of Weed and Cocaine. However, for some reason, he always used to go back to his auntie’s house every once in a while to sleep. At that point he was 16 years old and felt like a lost self just like every one else in the city, he knew that something needed to change. The young man started learning how to read books from courses found on an old DVD player and got very interested in stopping crimes. That’s when he realized he wanted to become a cop and stop crimes to make the world a better place. The only problem was that he still had something evil in him.

Career Story:

After finally proceeding his dreams and finishing the police university he discovered the beauty of the new city. He began his dreams as an FIB officer where he still had a rough drug addiction. However, he was able to bypass all the drug test from the strategies he learned in the streets of Egypt. One day he secretly went to the black market to get some weed, where he found one of the undercover cops who caught him. At that point he faked his own death and went missing. He changed his passport, looks via plastic surgery. After that. he decided to join another police department that knew nothing about his background. SAHP, he is experienced in this org and got promoted to Assistant Sheriff by time, He decided to change his destination to LSPD and got promoted to Assistant Chief of Police, Then he back again to SAHP on more time and got the his pervious rank again and now he is Assistant Sheriff, This did not take too long as he has FIB, SAHP and LSPD experience and he already knows how everything works. Throughout all these years of drug abuse Argentiny learned a lot about the black market and realized that there was a way to make a bunch of money fast. By being corrupt…


1- Argentiny can torture/interrogate/kill for his benefit or use truth serum. [ using /try Command - Only 2 times per situation ]
2- Argentiny can accept bribes and weapons (Up to 100k) to do anything the briber wants except to be a hostage.
3- Argentiny can arrest someone for fake charges if he severely dislikes them, or for revenge. [ With only IC Reason ]
4- Argentiny can break any state law whether On Duty or Off duty.
5- Argentiny can help suspects escape jail.
6- Argentiny can perform any illegal activity due to his criminal past.
7- Argentiny can break bodycams. [ using /try find the bodycam (Only 2 times per situation) then /do destroying the bodycam ]
8- Argentiny can take illegal items from a 10-15 rather than confiscating them.
9- Argentiny can use illegal weapons on duty.
10- Argentiny can lie about the request of the lawyer and not show his ID to any suspect.

Oghi Flann

Retired Senior State
Nov 7, 2022

Outcome 1: With proper RP and IC reason.
Outcome 2: For release and classified information. (be more specific with outcomes)
Outcome 3: Rejected.

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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