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Jack Verlice

Sep 16, 2023
National Guard

General : Jack Verlice
Lt. General : Mayur Brew & Styx III

The National Guard has a dual mission to serve both the state and the nation. It can be called upon by the governor of a state to respond to emergencies within the state, and it can also be called into federal service by the President for national defense missions.

State Mission:

During state emergencies, such as natural disasters or civil disturbances, the National Guard provides assistance and support to local authorities. This includes tasks like search and rescue operations, disaster relief, and maintaining order.

Federal Mission:

In its federal capacity, the National Guard augments the active-duty military during overseas deployments. National Guard units can be called to participate in combat operations, peacekeeping missions, and other military endeavors.

Community Involvement:

National Guard members typically live and work in the communities they serve, fostering strong connections with the local population. This local presence enhances the National Guard's ability to respond quickly to state-level emergencies.

Training and Readiness:

National Guard units undergo regular training to maintain their readiness for both state and federal missions. This training includes joint exercises with active-duty military units.

Civil Disturbance Response:

Assist law enforcement in maintaining public order during civil disturbances or emergencies.

Counter-Drug Operations:

Support federal and state agencies in counter-drug operations to combat illegal drug trafficking and related activities.

Homeland Defense:

Contribute to the defense of the homeland, including border security and protection of critical infrastructure.

Community Engagement:

Engage with local communities and establish strong ties to enhance cooperation and communication.

Federal Military Missions:

Mobilize for overseas deployments to support federal military operations. This includes participation in combat operations, peacekeeping missions, and other military endeavors.

Medical Support:

Provide medical support during public health emergencies, including pandemics. This may involve assisting with testing, vaccination distribution, and medical care.

Logistical Support:

Offer logistical support, including transportation, communication, and infrastructure support, as needed.

Cybersecurity Operations:

Contribute to cybersecurity efforts to protect critical information and infrastructure.

Support to Law Enforcement Agencies:

Assist law enforcement agencies in various capacities, such as transportation support, surveillance, and intelligence sharing.

RR - Recruitment Representatives:

The RR team handles recruitment, provides training, organizes promotion ceremonies, and compiles bonus lists by reviewing logs. Due to their crucial role, this department receives a good amount of bonuses for their hard work.

AF - Airforce:
The Airforce team, consisting of army pilots, conducts air scouting during raid hours, provides air support for ammo runs, assists in SASD training, and offers transportation help during events. They also conduct regular scoutings to detect potential military base robberies, ensuring the organization is prepared.

SASD - Special Forces:
SASD is the special forces department responsible for responding to extreme situations such as store robberies and hostage scenarios. Their focus is on swift and efficient operations, particularly in situations that demand quick action, like hostage incidents in the ghetto.

Military Police:
The Military Police serves as the Internal Affairs department of the NG. They conduct regular background checks, search personal car trunks, and inspect individuals to ensure everything is in order, maintaining internal order and discipline.

Sniper Team:
Introducing a new department, the Sniper Team. These units specialize in long-range weapons, particularly sniper rifles. The Sniper Team's expertise proves invaluable during hostage situations and when dealing with trespassers within our base.

Chain of command:
=== Commissioned Officers ===
30) General
29) Lieutenant General
28) Major General
27) Brigadier General (COD)
26) Colonel (HOD)
25) Lieutenant Colonel (DHOD)
24) Major
=== Non-Commissioned Officers ===
23) Commander
22) Captain
21) First Lieutenant
20) Second Lieutenant
19) Command Sergeant Major
18) Sergeant Major
17) Commanding Sergeant
16) Staff Sergeant
15) Sergeant First Class
14) Sergeant Second Class
13) Sergeant
12) Corporal First Class
11) Corporal Second Class
10) Corporal
=== Enlisted Personnel ===
9) Specialist First Class
8) Specialist Second Class
7) Specialist
6) Private First Class
5) Private Second Class
4) Private
3) Recruit
2) Leave of absence
1) Suspended

Joining Requirements:
15+ OOC
Age 3 Years In-City Experience
Clean Criminal Record
Proficient in English
Team-Oriented and Order-Following
No Face/Hand or Gang-Related Tattoos
Minimum Level 2 Backpack
2 Hours Daily
Commitment Functional Microphone
Gun License and Health Insurance
Ready to join us? Contact the San Andreas National Guard via Email

In Conclusion, Embark on a journey of service, honor, and distinction with the San Andreas National Guard.
With Highest Regards,
General Jack Verlice
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