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Nov 19, 2023
Organization: LSPD

Name: Olliver Twist
Gender: Straight Male
Age: 16
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Los Santos
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Yellow
Tattoos: On Right And Left Arms
Strengths: Able to stay calm, good fighter and leadership skills.
Weakness: CANT HANDLE INSULTS | Addicted to Money (will do anything for money)

Life Story:

Olliver Twist, Born In Los Santos, was a child of a known criminal but was left abandoned in the hospital soon after his birth. After Growing Homeless in the street of los santos, he was adopted by a family called MoneyMurder. They Teached Him How To Be A Criminal and Also Made Him A Drug Addict. Once The Family Went Broke, They Didn't Have Money To Support Olliver And Left Olliver To Die Alone In Los Santos. Since Oliver Was Already Trained To Be A Criminal, He Stood Up For Himself and Joined A LSPD to give back to the community for the things he has done before. He Soon Started Doing Drugs Again And Wanted To Earn alot Money 💰 as he was taught that money was everything by his family (moneymurder).
He Started To Make Connections with the most dangerous people in the city and met the biggest criminal he has ever seen, Greedy Moneymurder who was the new owner of moneymurder family. He told oliver that he can be a criminal while being in LSPD. Greedy said that oliver could help him destroy his opponents by raiding gangs with his officers.

Career Story: Oliver's Mind Started To Get Corrupted again after hearing greedy's words. He started working hard in LSPD to get a high rank so that he could own a department 🏬 in Lspd where he would recruit his friends who are as corrupt as him. This plan kept going on till a long time unitill, oliver became the head of department f TEU but his other plan could not succeed as he couldn't recruit his friends. But that didn't stop oliver to be corrupt. He has insane powers in his hands, he could fire anyone who would come in his way. He met alot of friends along the way, such as Tony Everhart who also helped him start a criminal life while being in lspd. With this much insane power in his hands, no one could stop oliver from being the biggest criminal in the city without being known, he would be a NONAME infront of others while his officers didn't know what he would do behind their backs.

1- Oliver Would Be Able to Take Bribes Of Upto 100k to leave his 10-15's. (With proper rp)
2- Oliver Would Be Able To Take 1v5's due to his training In Lspd. (Will show fear when needed)
3- Oliver Would Have A hidden camera in his eyes that would record everything 24/7.
4- Oliver Would Have A Work Radio Even When He Is Off-duty To Hear Everything happening In Lspd.
5- He Would Be Able To Carry Illegal Items In His Cars And His Inventory (Until he is not caught)
6- Oliver Would Be Able To Help Prisoners Make An Escape By Hacking The Control Centre of Doc And Taking Bribes from them (following proper rp)
7- Oliver Could Kill Anyone While Off-duty (Not RDM).
8- Oliver Can Rob People And Tell Them To Drop Their Weapons instead Of Confiscating for own use (illegal weapon only)
9- Oliver Can Take Items (vest, weapon) Instead of money as a bribe if the person does not have money
10- Oliver Can Lie About Calling A Lawyer When He Is Asked By His 10-15.

Yaswanth Trigger

Always On Consideration .............
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