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May 3, 2022
Organization: NG
Name: mike capella
Gender: male
Age: 27
Nationality: jewish/german
Place of Birth: israel
Sexuality: straight
Eye colour: brown
Hair colour: yellow
Tattoos: none
Strengths: high gun skills, talking skills and calm at all times
Weakness: cant think of any

life story: mike capella was born to a poor family in the getto as mike grew older he did not have many friend because most of the kids in the getto were apart of a gang or a criminal organization and mikes parents did not want him to end up a criminal, as mike grew older he stopped listening to his parents and slowly befriended those kids and getting more and more into criminal activities, at some point he got so addicted and frustrated with the reward of low level crime that he desided to join illegal organizations such as gangs and families to incease him income and reward.

Career Story: at a very young age mike capella joined the vagos gang who showed him the way into corruption and illegal activities after a long time he became a high command and from the point and on he got addicted to the criminal life.

after a while in the vagos gang he decided to explore other gangs like the blood gang, in his time in the blood gang he learned how to negotiate and lead events, when he got bored of the people and the gang he moved to ballas.

in ballas he did not invest as much time as the last few gangs and decided not to be a high command and to try to have fun with the people insted after the ballas gang got disbanded and broke apart he tried the marabunta gang

in the marabunta gang, he reached a high command status pretty quikly and easly, at that point he became bored of gang but still addicted to the criminal life so he decided to join the army (NG) with the intention of being corrupt.

1. mike capella can loot after gunfights
2. mike capella can take bribes up to 100k
3. mike capella can become a hostage if bribed up to 100k
4. mike capella can process people with out reading miranda right and can lie about a lawyer
5. mike capella can engage in criminal activties such as: killing, robbing, pickpocketing, torturing and braking state laws (all with the right rp and situation and not against leos)
6. mike capella can help friends and family in illegal activities in ghetto and outside (only off duty)
8. mike capella can refuse showing his id when asked to by citizens/suspects/officers
9. mike capella can destroy body cams (only 2 /try per situation and with proper reason)
10. mike capella can sell weapons on the black market (not org weapons)

Yaswanth Trigger

Always On Consideration .............
Server Administrator
Sep 18, 2022
Bio Approved

Outcome 5 & 10 : Only while Off-duty

Remember, You can still get punished ICLY
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