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Alex Blackstone

May 7, 2023
Organisation: NG
Name: Alex blackstoneGender: Male Age: 17
Nationality: born in los santos
Place of birth: pill box hospital
Sexuality: straight
Hair colour: brown
Eye colour: blue
Tattoos: one on my back and my arm
Strengths: Dedication Honesty Muscle Weapon handling
Weakness: Anxious My love for my wife

My life story: when I was a kid, I would have a mother and father whom constantly kept getting drunk and beating me. I struggled with this and it made me feel rage and pain within my heart I needed someone to talk to someone to find, and I did I mess this beautiful girl Stacey raven she was so gorgeous sweet and gentle I knew it was love at first sight. And I tried to speak to her and the first words I had was nope to ugly, but that never stopped me constantly trying with flowers, and things to make her love me till one day we sat on the bench together and she starred into me eyes and in that moment I kissed. And she kissed back. I knew I had to stop smoking the weed when I was 15 to make this better and life but I kept trying and trying to make it into the lspd and eventually it worked I worked all the way up to deputy. But sadly he died and the new chief didn’t want me so I had to leave. Which led me to rage and anger I constantly was trying to become leader of the lspd but failed interview after interview till there it was Stacey my lover was there in the interview room trying out for general and that was the moment it all happened for me.

Career story: in my career I have learnt to have good communication with lots of new skills learnt, I learnt to try I learnt to not fail I learnt to keep pushing and that everything is earned eventually, i was deputy in the lspd deputy in the sahp and then straight to deputy in the national guard within my career I have learnt who the good leaders and the bad ones are. Let’s just say you know when it’s a bad leader and a good leader.

1..Alex can receive bribes up to 100k
2.Alex can get the truth off of anyone using truth serum (/try can be used 2x per situation.)
3.Alex can be a hostage for a maximum of 100k
4.Alex can plant illegal items on criminals to catch them and arrest them (baiting.)
5. Alex Can be biased towards friends/family.
6. Alex Can give Intel to gangs and families for 100k
7. Alex can go robbing with friends and family as long as he wears a mask to hide his identity.
8. Alex Can search for bodycams and break them using /try (can only be used 2x per situation.)
9. Can sell illegal items on the blackmarket
10. Alex can use illegal items/weapons on and off duty.
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