- Joined
- Sep 2, 2021
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- 28
The Heshka Liberation Party!

Meet "Heshka Liberation Party" where our ideology is as bold as our name implies. We strongly believe in Liberation, and community engagement, simply participating in the state. The first part of our name, "Heshka Liberation " empowers and enforces our commitment to excellence, excelling and succeeding in every state endeavor. We are not just here to take part, we are here to make real change, change that matters. The name "Heshka," signifies the nature of our party, and the people it stands for... everyone. Our mission in this fine state is crystal, to eradicate corruption within our law enforcement and judicial system agencies and transform our city into a more livable place for all its residents. The Heshka Liberation party is freshly built on the needs and the political structure of modern Los Santos! Built on the foundation to make life easier for the citizens of Los Santos, along with the ambitious aim to assist all law enforcement agencies to carry out their duties more easily whilst trying our best to make it more efficient.
The Ideology of the Heshka Liberation Party is equal opportunities, and we should wish for a better and more just further, we need to fight for it. Vote for the following policies:
More State Funding- And amendment to the 'Poggers Act' will be governed and enforced by the department of justice and executive branch. State funding will be improved, from the base payment per week is as the following: Amended:
Base: 3 Million Per Week - 3.5 Million Per Week
GOV Tasks: 2 Million Per Week - 3 Million Per Week
In conclusion the state organization can earn up to an additional 1.5 Million a week set by the government!
Improved Drug Administration
A HUGE improvement in the state's drug laws, regulation and procedure will be amended by this government, anyone classified as having a medical 'addiction' to any form of narcotics will be given free rehabilitation by the EMS physiatry team, supervised by the department of justice.
Legislation Reform
In the first half of our term, we can grant over 2 legislation either newly introduced or amended by the department of justice and enforced by the state.
Equal opportunities for criminals
Due to the highly rapid increase of crime, the department of justice and department of education headed by the executive branch will be in coalition with each other to host a rehabilitations program to reform criminals of their mens rea.
Tightened Relationship with EMS and Life Invader
The San Andreas government will be in even closer communication with both these departments, with the EMS we will be in communication for the physiatry teams findings and for funding. And Life invader to promote the most recent and important press the state can't do itself.
A free DOJ hosted law school
The Department of Justice will host a FREE law school for any civilian trying to learn about the law, and for state employees to find their newest district attorney!
Amended Gun Licensing.
The Procedure to get a gun license will be extended, if you have more than 3 separate counts of violent crime then one must attend the state rehabilitation program newly hosted by this government to receive one.
GOV Liaison in every department
A government representative will be in every organization to help ensure quick and efficient communication between all organizations!
Patrol Oriented Policing
This party has seen the lack of active patrol units on at any time in the city, the state will be in close communication with all state leaders to ensure active patrolling within the state to reduce crime.
The supreme court will be introducing 'expungements', this is where a judge can have a final judgment to see is a convict is truly sorry of there crimes committed and is tested for a mental health review by the EMS to see is there ready to be in state society and will be giving a new identity paid by the state for no criminal background and all court records will be sealed.
Governor: Habibi Heshka
Deputy Governor: Manc Matty
Attorney General: Julien Rocklopher
Supreme Court Justice: Kron Calipso
Minister: Luke Heshka
Minister: Jay Richh
Minister: Olivia Specture
Sectary of State: ZamLe Kebab
Sectary of State: Sezar Stroim
More Coming Soon
Full Party Signatures
"Don't just hope for a better life. Vote for it."
Date of Creation:
5 years old in the city.
Health Insurance
Gun License
Fluent in English.
No criminal record
No face/hand tattoos
Practical Knowledge Laws.

The Ideology of the Heshka Liberation Party is equal opportunities, and we should wish for a better and more just further, we need to fight for it. Vote for the following policies:
More State Funding- And amendment to the 'Poggers Act' will be governed and enforced by the department of justice and executive branch. State funding will be improved, from the base payment per week is as the following: Amended:
Base: 3 Million Per Week - 3.5 Million Per Week
GOV Tasks: 2 Million Per Week - 3 Million Per Week
In conclusion the state organization can earn up to an additional 1.5 Million a week set by the government!
Improved Drug Administration
A HUGE improvement in the state's drug laws, regulation and procedure will be amended by this government, anyone classified as having a medical 'addiction' to any form of narcotics will be given free rehabilitation by the EMS physiatry team, supervised by the department of justice.
Legislation Reform
In the first half of our term, we can grant over 2 legislation either newly introduced or amended by the department of justice and enforced by the state.
Equal opportunities for criminals
Due to the highly rapid increase of crime, the department of justice and department of education headed by the executive branch will be in coalition with each other to host a rehabilitations program to reform criminals of their mens rea.
Tightened Relationship with EMS and Life Invader
The San Andreas government will be in even closer communication with both these departments, with the EMS we will be in communication for the physiatry teams findings and for funding. And Life invader to promote the most recent and important press the state can't do itself.
A free DOJ hosted law school
The Department of Justice will host a FREE law school for any civilian trying to learn about the law, and for state employees to find their newest district attorney!
Amended Gun Licensing.
The Procedure to get a gun license will be extended, if you have more than 3 separate counts of violent crime then one must attend the state rehabilitation program newly hosted by this government to receive one.
GOV Liaison in every department
A government representative will be in every organization to help ensure quick and efficient communication between all organizations!
Patrol Oriented Policing
This party has seen the lack of active patrol units on at any time in the city, the state will be in close communication with all state leaders to ensure active patrolling within the state to reduce crime.
The supreme court will be introducing 'expungements', this is where a judge can have a final judgment to see is a convict is truly sorry of there crimes committed and is tested for a mental health review by the EMS to see is there ready to be in state society and will be giving a new identity paid by the state for no criminal background and all court records will be sealed.

Governor: Habibi Heshka
Deputy Governor: Manc Matty
Attorney General: Julien Rocklopher
Supreme Court Justice: Kron Calipso
Minister: Luke Heshka
Minister: Jay Richh
Minister: Olivia Specture
Sectary of State: ZamLe Kebab
Sectary of State: Sezar Stroim
More Coming Soon
Full Party Signatures


"Don't just hope for a better life. Vote for it."
Date of Creation:

5 years old in the city.
Health Insurance
Gun License
Fluent in English.
No criminal record
No face/hand tattoos
Practical Knowledge Laws.