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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Tommy Gold
Administrators nickname
Alex Odd
Dec 19, 2023

Tommy Gold

Think like a millionaire, hustle like you're broke
May 15, 2022
Let me preface this report by saying I am not in any way trying to discredit Alex, I respect him and all the work he has done for the EN1 community as our Deputy Chief, however, he is the one who issued the punishment and thus I have to attach his name to this complaint. I'd also like to make it known that Mazhor has advised me to make an appeal on this matter for further review hence why the prefix.

As is known, I was previously 2 term leader of LifeInvader. I had surpassed all expectations put on me when I took leadership with record number of IC events and journalism and my main goal was to improve the state of RP offered by the org. As leader, I was proud to have created two of the best terms in LI history as can be confirmed by my curators at the time and senior state. One of the services I introduced as part of the effort in making use of such a valuable feature, that was otherwise left blank since its conception, and to improve the advertisement RP we could offer was to allow business owners to advertise their business on the GTOP (Forbes) front pages. This is no different to other long term services we offer such as CNNs or broadcasts. This was a paid service and worked on a rotational basis. My curators were aware of this at the time with discussions around it taking place in curator chat and a curator meeting. During my leadership, 3 CNNs were posted about this dated; 10.09.2023, 14.10.2023 and 23.10.2023. None of the seniors who pinged this CNN for me ever brought up any concerns and anyone who was pinged by the CNN did not either. There were also multiple ingame broadcasts made about it, everyone was aware of this. It is all logged and there is message proof in the LI discord channels. This service was then used long after my leadership ended up until today when it was stopped. The ban I was issued with today implied I had abused my powers as LI leader with this service. I don't understand how I could abuse it when we took payments for every business that requested the service and logged how long they would be on the pages for, in the relevant channels. I had no personal relation nor did I ever personally handle it for the owners who we advertised for. Everything was logged with the proper procedure of handling clients followed by my HCs. I never knew this wasn't allowed or I would have never implemented it and assumed it was within my IC rights as leader to decide its usage.

I recently was elected as Governor after the first elections in over 7 months on EN1 and we were doing well with many works in the plan. My campaign was supported by all state leaders and I was dedicated to raising the state RP amongst all organisations. Today I woke up to a ban for this, which cost me my entire leadership and potentially any future attempts at leadership for something I did IC(ly) months ago. I have now been replaced by someone who lost the elections to me by 130+ votes. I wasn't aware that this was coming and never had a chance to explain or justify myself.

You can check my punishment history and my previous performance as leader. I never have done anything to hurt the server or for personal gain. Anything I had done was always in the interest of the community and for the sake of improving RP. I know there is likely no going back from this point but I am making this appeal as I would appreciate some clarification from higher ups about it and be given the chance to explain my side.

Again, I will say that Alex has my utmost respect as do the rest of the EN1 administration.

As ever, thank you Mazhor for your time and consideration in reviewing this report. I owe my deepest respects to you.

Alex Odd

Deputy Chief Administrator
Deputy Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
Unfair decision is to Abuse Leadership of org and give advantage to ur friends in front of others been LI leader
Same as u forgot to mention how during Election you have abused same LI to get advantage during voting day

so taking in consideration all what you have made in in all situations you are Blacklisted from Leaders
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