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Aug 18, 2023

1. Your name IRL : Nate Muller
2. Your age 16
3. Time zone : GMT+2
4. Average online per day : 7 to 10
5. Your Discord:natey7367
6. Your Nickname:Casey Jinx
7. Your ID:34442

Additional information

1. Leader of Vagos

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

- I want to be a leader of Vagos bec i want the ghetto's more active and more fun i want to make vagos a fun Gang and do alot of events with them i want vagos to be the best gang/org in city where they will be treated good and be mature

- I like the way Vagos hq is and how unigue it is. it has its own style and taste for the beach and you can host alot of fun events there like partys and ETC.

- Gang are the most intresting in Roleplay , without gangs the city is not fun and leos will have no work or enything to do for everyone,I can't assure that I can reach max number of events But i will try And I will do my best by making sure to attend every event and I can spread friendly atmosphere in the organization without any toxicity and for new player and it fun to mange new players and show them how do do things

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

Role play of any Leo organization depends on Gangs If gang increase their roleplay it will also effect for the Leos and get interesting for all and ill recruit as many players as possible if they don't know rules we can tell them and teach them how gangs work and show them what the must fun part is. ghetto too ill increase the activity in ghetto fights, so it becomes more fun to be in gang.

Shery Ottoman

Mr. Sherry
Jul 15, 2022

Put time and effort into making your own application without copy-pasting from your older applications and apply again.
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