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May 31, 2023
Family: Brown Guns
Leader Name: Neena Brown | 101740
House Number: 515
Leader's Discord: Manjeet_s
Forum: Doctor_manu ( Doctor_manu )

Family Story:

Once upon a time were five brothers, each with a habit for trouble, forged
an unbreakable bond that would define their lives and leave an indelible mark on the criminal underworld.
Together, the brothers formed a formidable criminal syndicate named Brown Guns, operating in the underbelly of the city.

Their loyalty to each other surpassed any allegiance to the law. They navigated the treacherous world of crime
with a code that emphasized family above all else. As their influence grew, so did the challenges. Rivals sought to usurp their territory,
and law enforcement closed in on their illicit activities. The brothers faced betrayals, internal conflicts, and moments of moral
reckoning, but their bond proved unbreakable.

In the aftermath, the criminal brothers found themselves at a crossroads. The city was theirs for the taking, but the risks were greater than ever.
Loyalties were tested, and the consequences of their actions loomed large. Together they took over the whole city and reached great glory, but just like every other story this also had an end.

The criminal brothers, bound by blood and a life of crime, Tragically, the car accident claimed all of their lives.
But, where one story ends starts a new. Since, non of them had any children. and the fear of their name was fading away. came along their adopted child.

Survival wasn't easy and everything was lost with death of his ancestors. Neena took over their legacy, a complex and risky endeavor,
requiring a mix of strategy, charisma, and ruthlessness. Holding together a torn family wasn't easy.

But, with the combined efforts of his close friends, together in her leadership they managed to grow their criminal family again. With a common dream to regain the lost name and legacy of their family.

Family Rules :

#1. Follow all server rules with no exceptions.
#2. No toxicity in family.
#3. Be friendly and respectful to everyone.
#4. Respect the family hierarchy.

Family Goals

1. Win most family events.
2. Take over the spheres.
3. Get the family name in forbs.
4. Helping out new members.
5. Making allience with the good familes.

Family Ranking System :

- Gets the rank when a new member joins the family.

- Person breaking any family rules gets the rank.

- Member with some basic experince in city (still learning).

- one with the bit of experince and basic knowledge of the city rules also works as a soldier.

- one that helps and trains the below ranked members about the city and family.

- as the name suggests, one of the trusted member of the family with good knwoledge of city.

Man of hood(7)
- Loyal, trusted and courageous high command of family.

- Captain of the events and manages the lower family members, take cares of the family events.

- deputy of the family also acts as an adviser to the family leader.

- Leader of the family.

Family Logo:

Family Clothes:

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