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Dailen West

Aug 11, 2022

1. Your name IRL: Dailen
2. Your age: 16
3. Time zone: GMT+1
4. Average online per day:6-12 hours
5. Your Discord: lildailen
6. Your Nickname: Dailen Braxton
7. Your ID: 4841

Additional information

1. Leader of... FAMILIES


2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

1. so Basically what i can do is alot And i want to achieve very far goals and i want my term to be the best there is out there so i will want to make sure that everyone is having a good time in my Gang and i will make sure to Get the Best Turfs that i could 100% my goal is and i get something out of it and i wanna say that this is the best Why you should make me The Leader of families also i can hire very good clappers in the Time while i am leader and i am wanting to go for 2 terms and i have alot of experience in gangs and i can make sure that everyone in my gang i get the best High Commands and people that have experience and we have 0 Tolerance for Favourtism we can never use Favourtism and i make sure that i tell that to all my gang members that there should be 0 Favourtism and there should Nothing That Does anything bad and anyone that is using favourtism or whatever i will make sure he is blacklisted and i want to be the top 1 gang and you see us Robbing people 24/7 + i know all the turfs rules and all the rules so i am wanting to get this position. to make sure that all the people are learing and i will make sure that the ranks wouldnt just be handed even if you have alot of experience i will make sure they need to grind for there ranks so it will be fair cause They can be alot of experience but then they dont come to events or do anything so i will make sure that doesnt happen and i make sure that my gang will be the best and i will have the best Deputies with it too i try my best and i make sure that the gangs are all fine and Nothing will go south and i make sure that We achieve all of ours goles that we have planned.

2. Okay so lets start i will make sure that anyone that comes to events they will get the best bonus i will hand almost all my money as bonuses and i make sure like at event Like 10k and store 8.5k and more i will hire alot of good leaders and Ghetto Clappers and i will make sure that none of Our people are getting robbed or They say like Ballas on top and i am sorry x3 they will start saying Families On Top And i am sorry so ye i will make sure that everyone that has any of this idea i will make sure that everyone in my gang there will be the best Leaders and i am planning to be very active within my gang and i am going for 2 terms and ill try my best since i am a Very good person about gangs and i know alot about robbing and more and i have alot of more experience then anyone i think its fair that for me to get the leadership because i have experience ive been playing grand rp for like 2 years since like server 1 and i remeber once i joined my first gang was Ace Galante Families term when he had his families leadership in en1 and i will make sure en3 will be the victourous gang and we can get alot of more members and i am a very good person + ive been HC in every org LI,EMS,FIB,SAHP,LSPD, and all gangs and i want to make sure that we have the best gang and we make a name in the city we will be Remebered as the best gang forever and i want to make a stomp in the city to get leadership and i want to make sure that all the peopel that are wondering i will ally with Ballas too and We Can Destroy every gang.

And i also wanna say that i want to try my best for this gang and i will make sure that all the gangs will be afraid of us and we can beat LEOS even when they raid us or anything i make sure that all the people will be protecting the hq and i will make sure i get like 100+ people on every day and we can have the best gang and we can make sure that all the people that join will be Very good people and i want to make a plan with my curators and We can have some cool events and we will make sure families when you see People wearing Green you Will Want to Not even look at them cause we will have the best ghetto Clappers and i can get alot of people from families like Mandem INC TOPG FAMQ(S) like Verlice example as i am a verlice my self and we can get alot of more people and we can make sure that the Families leader ship will be the best and i will make sure that all the gangs we know we will destroy every gang and i will make sure that Our name will stand out from all the other gangs. and i will wanna make sure that everyone is having bonuses and no favourtism thank you admins for taking your time out of your day to review this Thank you very Much.

3. Your advice improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

- First i will make a bonus system like
Every event attended - 10k
Store / Gun Store Attended - 8.5k
- I will hire some experienced event leaders who will lead events
- I will get the best deputies i know that can be deputies.
- I have goal to Complete 100% turf
- I will hire some ghetto Clappers like Aiden Pluxury and many more as Myself!

-:By all this hard work we can be The best gang in the city

My Personal Goals For the Gangs-:
•To Complete 2 successful Term
•To Complete 100% Turf
•Keep the gang as the most active gang and ROB people.
• Last Active Gang Members to take control of Ghetto

Kind Regards,
Dailen Verlicee

14 --> Demon
13 --> Deputy
12 --> Boss
11 --> Underboss
10 --> Gang Enforcer
9 --> Street King
8 --> Street Disciple
7 --> Turfer
6 --> Solider
5 --> Street Gang
4 --> Hustler
3 --> Thug
2--> Runner
1 --> Wannbe

Thank you for your time and consideration .

Ace Galante

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
Aug 17, 2021
Leader has been chosen, we arent currently looking for a new leader.​
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