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Doberman Flex

Jun 9, 2022
1. Your name IRL: Mirac
3. Time zone: GMT+03:00
4. Average online per day: 6-7 Hour
5. Your Discord: renegade_trcc
6. Your Nickname: Mirac Caillou
7. Your ID: 7280

Additional information

1. Leader of Vagos
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
2.1)I joined the illegal organizations and i attend the events.And I say why i dont take a organization.And I send my organization for Ballas,Not for this,rob the gun stores in the city,ghetto clapping and a lot of thing i want to make when i will be leader.If im not in the city,my deputys and high commanders will be manage the events,I wanna clap the leos,other gangs.
2.2)I wanna clap ghetto and federals in the city,defend the black market,hostage situations,market/gunstore robbery,attend the events with full number,and when i do this thing in the same time,i be carefull about the rulebreaks,if i see someone breaking the rules,i will kick him and add him to blacklist.I wanna complete my term without no rulebreak.My Friends and i will do this if i will be a leader.
2.3)Now,i want to talk about ghetto and turfs,clapping ghetto most imported thing for me,clapping ghetto and spray profits,i will do best spray team for maximum profits,select best turfers for %100,if you take control over the ghetto, you will do a lot of robbery and they understand which gang is best in streets.

3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

When I will be leader, if I saw someone in my gang breaking the rules, I will kick him out and add him to the blacklist.
I will try to choose good turfer and make 100% gang turf.
We try to take and protect all the sprays in the ghetto so that the people in the gang can make maximum profit.
Make a FZ raid,Robberies,Attend events with full number,
Protect Black Market,Gang and gang members,
Give bonuses after the events,

What is my goals for Vagos:
-Trying to be the gang without breaking the rules while in the gang.
-%100 Turf.
-No Rulebreak in events,in the streets.

My Rank System:


Spray Leader
Spray Team

Best Regards,
Mirac Caillou
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