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Rejected Atkin Family Biography | Unofficial Organization

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Ron Atkin

Leader of unofficial org
Jul 3, 2021
The Atkin Family
"Vincit cum legibus arma" ... "He wins over violence with laws"





Two brothers from the same family who have walked two completely different paths, reunite in Los Santos to build the family they never had of their own. Ron and Nate Atkin, five years apart, led two completely different lives. Each with their own unique experiences that have helped shape who they have become today...

The younger of the two brothers, Ron Atkin, went to college and got his education. He worked for huge brokerage firms and is a mathematician with any currency or resource. The brains of the operation and the more level-headed of the two, Ron brings balance to the entire family. However, his calm and demeanor does not come without pain. Seven years ago, Ron, his wife and young daughter were on their way home when they ended up in a fatal car accident. His wife and daughter were pronounced dead at the scene. While Ron survived, his face suffered third-degree burns and was completely unrecognizable. The scars remind Ron everyday of what he lost that terrible night. Between the constant reminder and the ugly scars, you will never see Ron take off his mask. A hollow man from this loss, he was left to reach out to the only family he had left, his brother Nate.

A former Navy Seal, Nate Atkin has been without a family most of his life. Joining the military at a very young age, Nate quickly learned how to use his aggression in ways that would be beneficial to himself. After a tumultuous tour and a dishonorable discharge from the military, Nate felt he had no more options left. When his brother Ron called, he was more than willing to do anything needed to make money and more importantly have a real family. A loner that was always on the move, Nate always longed to have a family to call his own and now this was his opportunity.

Coming from a broken home with little access to basic necessities, Amara quickly grew to have a taste for all the things out of her reach. Dreaming for things better than her family could provide. As she got older, and began getting men’s attention, she decided to use what she had to get exactly what she wanted with little to no remorse. After working in sex work for many years, being screwed over by owners and mistreated by customers, she vowed to one day open a place safe for sex workers to fully enjoy their job. After meeting Nate one night on shift, they began discussing her ideas on one of her slow nights. Little did she know that when she moved to Los Santos, Nate Atkin would be the first person she met. After catching up, and being reminded of her goals, Nate saw an opportunity to help his family grow and couldn’t let it go.


The Atkin Family knows how difficult it will be to stay clean and make it in Los Santos, however, the two brothers still want to keep some morality and integrity around their name. They have long term goals of owning many businesses around the city with a focal point on one day buying out the Vanilla Unicorn. The Atkin family feels like they know what it takes to make that a successful business in this city and are working towards one day making that dream a reality.
In addition to owning the Vanilla Unicorn, the family has long term goals of one day making it into the top 5 families in the city and staying there. We think we not only know what it takes to get up there but are also prepared enough to grind our way to the top. From day one, we have done nothing but move up the leaderboards. We feel our consistent time and effort will only help us continue to move up the ranks of the families in the city.
Our third and maybe most important goal is to create a tight-knit home for anyone in the city. We want people to know that when they join, it is not just another family where they will be a number. It is truly a home-ly feel and will help make finding their way in this city much much easier. Every person we have brought in we have taken care of with care packages, money, cars and whatever else they need to feel comfortable in Los Santos and get their feet on the ground. We make sure no matter if it is their first day in the city, or if they’re 30 years old, we will help them every step of the way.

  • Buy the strip club one day, make it more of a popular spot in town.
  • Make it to top 5 and stay there.
  • Be a tight-knit home for new and old people in the city.

Current State

Currently, the family is doing extremely well for its young age. We are attending as many events as we can, recruiting every day and raiding pretty much every night. We are also defending our home from many different families. Most recently defended against the 29th family in the city (SaintsRow), even with a huge numbers disadvantage during the raid (their 17 to our 8 online at the time). We are encouraging our members every day to join various different organizations in the city so we can be as diverse as possible. We have many family cars for our members to use and are getting closer and closer every day to purchasing a house in Vinewood. We feel that the ability to steal, rob and attend more events will only help us achieve those goals.

Business Model

The Atkin Family business model consists of:
  • Buying and reselling weapons and ammo.
  • Sale of other black market items.
  • Robbing people in the ghetto, Sandy Shores and Paleto.
  • We offer part-time job benefits to our family members who bring us seeds, minerals, fish, timber, wires and more.
  • Odd jobs they find around the city to make money.

Descriptions of Ranks:
  • Recruit: The first step in the ranks of the Atkin family. This is what they get at invitation to the family and move to Pusher after training.
  • Pusher: This is truly the first rank in the family and is your stepping stone to the future. Once you prove that you understand family life, city life and do not receive warnings from us or gods, you get promoted.
  • Professional: These are those in the family who know what they are doing and are the labor force for us. These are the front line on the farms, in the ghetto and at events. From here you will either choose a path of money or aggression.
  • Entrepreneur: If you choose the path of money, you will be made this rank. It is your job to handle future businesses, collect profits from them and find ways to make the family money.
  • Enforcer: If you choose the path of aggression, you will receive this rank. It is their job to rob, steal and be the force on the ground for us either in a raid or robbery.
  • Top Dog: These are the backbone of the family. These are members who show leadership and loyalty to the family. They are given access to storage, weapons and are able to give input on important family decisions.
  • Assistant Director: These members are aids to the Directors. They are the Director’s right hand man. They also have a say in family matters and are given an area of the family to help lead.
  • Director: These members are given areas of the family to be in charge of and lead that aspect of it all the way down to the Pusher’s.
  • Vice President: The aid to the President and a huge shot caller for the family. Helps the President lead every aspect of the family and helps to relay goals and family vision to the rest of the family.
  • President: The leader of the family. He has a vision for the family and helps manage everyone to get there.

Colors: Navy Blue, White, Black


Jul 23, 2021
Love the choice of Aggression/Money with the rank system thats super awesome. Atkins on top!


Jul 20, 2021
Different approach, diplomatic yet deadly if need be. Support from Sparta 💪🏼

Zac Zero

May 26, 2021
Hello, could you send me the following details.

- Family Owner Name and ID
- Family House Number
- Family Owner forums profile link
- Family owner discord ID and Tag.

Ron Atkin

Leader of unofficial org
Jul 3, 2021
Hello, could you send me the following details.

- Family Owner Name and ID
- Family House Number
- Family Owner forums profile link
- Family owner discord ID and Tag.
-Ron Atkin, 36116
-385 (Will be moved to 244 in a day or two)

Zac Zero

May 26, 2021

I have decided to Accept your application to become an unofficial Organization.
Enjoy and do not break any server rules or go against server scripts.

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