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Rejected Ninthstreet (Soon to be: Villanova) | Unofficial Organzation

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Trey Windsor

Sep 27, 2021
Family Name: Ninthstreet (Soon to be: VIllanova)
Family Owner: Henry Ninthst
Family house number: 970
Family Discord Owner: Icetraybox76#7676
Family Leader Forum: Trey Windsor

Backstory: The family Ninthstreet used to be a very active family a while ago, they had high numbers and strong members, the leader that ruled this family had some problems and left leadership and passed it onto a friend. I had ran into the original leader and we spoke, and I decided that I would take the control of this family for the mean time and lead it to a successful ownership with loyal family members and always do fun stuff even if we aren't the strongest "YET" we will be one day. But the main reason I decided to take over the family Ninthstreet was because I have always dreamed of running a big family but never had the money to do so and I ran into a good opportunity that I couldn't let down. Now my goal is to lead a strong a loyal army with a group of friends.

Family Goals: The goals for this family is to lead a big family that will always have each other's back no matter how hard a situation is, I will grow an active family with large amounts of numbers on all times of the day with high command to help out, we will show up to all events and with a passion and the goal of fun, it doesn't matter if we show up and don't win as long as we grow closer as a family that will be the key to sucess. I will also lead this family into helping new members or even veterans to the city, I will grow alliances with all family's and if they ever need help the family will be there to help.

How we plan to achieve these goals: We will achieve these goals by working together and never leaving anyone out of the picture to do something on their own, I will make sure that everyone is getting the help they need, and no one is left without the answer there looking for. The family will always be active and recruiting people who need a family or need some help as our goal is to help the citizens and make sure to give the citizens who need what they deserve get what they need, just because we are going to be peaceful doesn't mean we will not rob people and cause havoc on the highways or robbing stores, this will be the most important factor in this family will be showing everyone that we can keep the unofficial and that we will be powerful to rule this city.

Ways to make money: We will gather money by robbing stores and taking LEO's or pedestrians as hostages and robbing stores to gather money which will then be evenly paid out to everyone who showed up to the event. We will also gather money by Informal's, bank robberies, aircraft carrier event and many more, we will also work together with other big families to devour the highways robbing people for their money and guns which will be sold or used for the family's armory.

Family rules:

- Stay Strong
- Teamwork
- Respect each other
- listen to all high command
- Show up to events
- Be active
- Be positive

Family moto: Family comes first

Family Colors: Black, Blue, and Purple

Family Dress: Camo shirt

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021

Already have an application in the correct section​
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