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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Your ID
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James Austin
Administrators nickname
Alex Odd
Jan 7, 2024


Dec 31, 2022
Hello Mazhor,

Recently i got banned for Tax evading and deceiving admins. I would agree that i did tax evading 1 year before but at that time i was new to the server and i didn't knew much about the rules i had also uploaded the Pov for the same which was reviewed by Ex Administrator Mr. Vick Claus in that form i didn't got punishment luckily, but he got the punishment at that time i was really not aware that we cannot trade a suspension with a car like this. Also, at that time i didn't knew much about recording things as i was new to it because of that at that time I didn't knew how to record with my microphone so in order. As we all know that what's the worth of $550.000 in the initial stages of game because i got scammed so I uploaded the POV in form and it reviewed by Vick Claus He said ID 261090 to Provide his POV which he wasn't able to do it because he scammed me I am saying the truth only if you feel like i am lying you can check the given form as proof below:

Form Link - Approved - SCAMMING | 261090
In this form ID 261090 scammed me he said to me that he will give me the suspension after i give him the car but as soon as i gave him the car for $1.000 he ran away with my car
Video Proof of this statement -

In the POV at 0:05 as you can see he said he will give me suspension for the car and then when i gave him the car he scammed me and ran with his friend who was putting fake allegations on me in the family radio at 1:40 of the pov inorder to victim card. He said "ye dekho tumhara james bechare mukesh ko scam karha hai" which means he saying that i did scam with mukesh whereas in the pov as you can see he told me that he will give me the suspension for my car but he didnt provided me the suspension and ran away with his friend in the car. He is been trying posting formups against me since 11 months with different formup ids inorder to put fake allegations on me. You can also check the pov it has all the sound of him. At one time i was thinking to request you to unban him but my desicion changed as since a long time he has not realized his mistake and putting fake allegations on me since a long time with different formup ids punishments are meant to realize the persons mistake but this person is not realizing his mistake since a long time either realizing his mistake he is putting fake allegation on me whereas in the pov you can clearly see the truth which was recognised by Mr Vick Claus in this thread Approved - SCAMMING | 261090

His alternative account was banned by alex odd for spamming forum's before which he is doing now also.
He has also not realized his mistake despite the fact he knows that we cannot spam formups he is doing right now too Also he is banned for Cheats and Multiple accounts he has lots of discord accounts because of multiple accounts so that he doesnt get caught.

In this form up - Reviewed - Unfair Decision I vick klaus

He Uploaded this screenshot which is of 18/09/23 which is not at all related with this form and it doesn't even makes any sense as in that discord dms i have not talked about that ban thing.
also he has uploaded many form on me which were rejected as I didn't deceived admins some of the complaints which were rejected and he got formup banned are as follows:

Here is the reply of the Ex Admin Vick Claus When he was spamming tickets

I said the truth from my side. Rest everything depends on your decision and i fully respect it I have been enjoying this project since the starting i would request you to take a look at the form as I didn't deceived admins at all.

James Westt | 246845

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