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Its Ninja

Nov 13, 2022
Los Santos Vagos
General information:
1. Reallife Name:
Mohamed Amine
2. Age:
3. Timezone: MOROCO
(UTC +1)
4. Online Time: 4-8 h/day
5. Discord:
6. Nickname IC: Jon Androskots
7. ID:
Additional Information:

For which organization do you apply as a leader ?

I am applying for the post of Leader For Los Santos Vagos (Vagos).

Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with explanation)

I want to be leader of Vagos because I have past gang experience, i have been in vagos and marabunta and in those gangs i had lots of fun and i always enjoyed doing gang RP.

I would also like to get leader because i know all the ghetto rules and i feel like if i was to get leader I could ensure fun within the gang while still making sure all the members are following rules and are familiar with the ghetto rules and punishments for them.

I also think with the experience I have in the city and the friends ive made that would be interested in joining i could most definitely lead a gang that will be successful at events and menaces of LS,

Lastly, Ive always wanted to become leader of an org just like tons of other people but not just for the sake of being able to say im a leader, I have some pretty solid ideas of how to guarantee fun for the members of the gang and plans to gather a solid gang and keep it running smoothly

Your advices for improving RolePlay level in organization.

In my opinion, everything starts with people. I will not let anyone who does not even know the basic rules of the city in the gang. Even if they are my friend I will make sure that, they know every basic rules of the city.
- There will never be a lack of activity during my term. I will do a lot of FZ raids, at least 1-2 store robberies per day, avoiding rule breaks.

My goals for VAGOS:
Taking control of ghetto without rulebreaks.
- Taking both side of ghetto also spraying all ghetto.
- I have deputies who can lead this gang when I am not in the city.
- Giving bonuses if we win necessary events and our target.
- Keeping Vagos on top.
- 100% turf
Closing words
Thank you for reading through my application, if there are any mistakes or anything wrong please contact me
( androskots. )
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