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Morgan Outlaw

Dec 4, 2022
Organization: NG
Name: Morgan Outlaw
Gender: Male
Age: 75
Nationality: Lebanon
Place of Birth: Kuwait
Sexuality: Straight
Eye color: blue
Hair color: white
Tattoos: all budy Parts
Strengths: hard-working
Weakness: angry issue

Life Story:

Morgan, a formidable figure within the notorious Outlaw Family, has a life story marked by the gritty underworld of crime and the intriguing corridors of power. His journey unfolds as a testament to the complexities inherent in the life of a criminal mastermind.
Morgan's origin lies in the heart of a crime-ridden neighborhood, where adversity shaped him into a street-smart individual. From a young age, he displayed intelligence and strategic thinking, qualities that would later define his criminal empire. As he navigated the challenges of the underworld, Morgan quickly rose through the ranks, eventually becoming a co-leader in the Outlaw Family.
Morgan's leadership role in the Outlaw Family solidified his position as a force to be reckoned with. His intelligence and cunning allowed him to strategically expand the empire's influence, earning him respect and fear in equal measure. The criminal world became his playground, and Morgan became synonymous with power and ruthlessness.
However, as pressures within the criminal life intensified, Morgan found himself at a crossroads. Recognizing the limitations and dangers associated with the underworld, he contemplated an unexpected shift.
In a daring move, Morgan decided to transition into the legal realm. Distancing himself from the shadows, he cultivated alliances in legitimate circles. Rising through the ranks of a respected legal organization, Morgan showcased his adaptability and the same strategic thinking that had defined his criminal career.

Career Story:

Morgan's career commenced on the mean streets where survival was paramount. His ascent within the Outlaw Family marked the beginning of a criminal career characterized by shrewd decision-making and an unrelenting pursuit of power.
Transitioning to the legal world, Morgan's career took an unexpected turn. His accomplishments in a legitimate organization reflected his ability to seamlessly adapt and excel in different environments. He became a respected figure within legal circles, showcasing a versatile skill set.
However, the allure of power and the thrill of bending the rules proved too strong. Faced with a profound dilemma, Morgan contemplated a return to his roots in the criminal underworld. The decision introduced a layer of complexity to his career, blurring the lines between legality and corruption.
As Morgan contemplated applying for a corrupt bio in a role-playing scenario, it became evident that his career was a perpetual dance between opposing forces. This decision showcased his willingness to explore the intricate complexities of both legal and illegal realms.
In summary, Morgan's life story and career trajectory exemplify the intricacies of a character torn between the shadows of the criminal underworld and the legitimacy of the legal world. The constant negotiation between morality and corruption paints a vivid picture of a figure whose journey is as unpredictable as it is compelling.


1. Morgan can use illegal firearms both on and off duty, whether acquired through personal purchase or looting/robbing from his victims.

2. Morgan has the ability to receive bribes of up to $100,000, but he will not accept payment to become a hostage.

3. Morgan may attempt to break his or his victims' body cameras (by using the /try command, with only 2 tries).

4. Morgan can refuse to show his ID.

5. Morgan is able to purchase/sell weapons on the black market (but cannot trade anything from Org).

6. Morgan can break IC laws due to his corruption

7. Morgan may confiscate or take weapons from gang members and other criminals for his own use, even if they are illegal.

8. Morgan is allowed to falsely claim that he has requested an attorney or deny their presence.

9. Morgan is permitted to rob/kill criminals in the ghetto, or kidnap and rob them in secluded areas.

10. Morgan can misuse his authority and power to aid his friends in escaping from prison or removing them from the wanted list.

Select for moderation.

Oghi Flann

Retired Senior State
Nov 7, 2022

Outcome 3: /try to find the bodycam (twice per situation) and /do to destroy it.

Have fun and follow the rules!
All bios can have punishment IC as well as OOC
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