Dear Lebron I have messaged you in disocord like you said about this ban and I’ve given my old rockstar that got hacked and my new rockstar acount so please can you unban me because this is killing me not playing I just want to go out and have fun again plus I’ve spent so much money on the game not to play it and I would be so deverstated if I was to be permanently banned, I’m not even asking for you to unban both of my accounts just the one the id is 108302 name: Zain Maravillas and the rockstar is bailey_b my old rockstar that was hacked is called baileyRAF and I can’t recover it due to the email and the password being changed fraugently, so please I will even take a money wipe for me to get this acount back even though I haven’t traded or given my acount to anyone I just want to play back on this amazing project, please