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Eva Capella

Jan 30, 2023

Name:eva capella
Place of Birth:turkey
Eye color:brown
Hair color:brown
Strengths:fast lerner
Weakness:I try every method to do what I set my mind to.

Life Story: 100+ Words
eva was an poor familys child in turkey her life was verry challenging and hard,she found a way to ern money and moved her family and her self to Los santos
she found a job at Nationel Guard and she mannaget to get up in ranks after she was retired from NG she joind LSPD(c.p) she managed her way up in ranks and was erning very well then she decided why she culdnt bi FIB and she applied for it and she got axepted to this day she works in FIB
Career Story: 100+ Words
started as a trainee of NG going on as FIB she was hardly helpfull at NG but shi fixed her problem she became HC in NG she then decided to join LSPD(c.p) TO help her city to get rid of criminals she sucsesfuly get accepted in LSPD nad mekd her way up in ranks and became a HC she tought why shuldent I become an FIB agent and she applied she got accepted in managet to get a good ran for her self.

1.eva can take bribes from anyone. lower sentences or remove them entirely from family/friends/strangers who are willing to pay for it (Max $100K)
2.eva can ask for the criminals wepons to let him/her free of charge
3.eva can let go her family members or friends free of charge oe she culd drop their charces save them from prison
4.eva can lie about a lawyer is coming or not
5.eva can go in getto kill/rob people (not gang hqs)
6.eva can use illegal items off duty
7.eva can destroy or serch bodycams(/try command twice to search in a situation and /do to break the bodycam)
8.eva can keep FIB stuf off duty (will make sure not to break Gr.6.3)
9.eva can talk whit gang members to get intel on them
10.eva can plant fake evidance
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