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Abid Tazariar

Sep 4, 2023
Organization: FIB

Name: Doctor Abir
Gender: Femme
Age: Sweet 16
Nationality: Bangladesh
Place of Birth: Chittagong
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Eye color: Hypnotic Hazel
Hair color: Midnight Noir
Tattoos: Intricate ink on both arms, reflecting resilience and mystery
Strengths: Unyielding determination, exceptional marksmanship, masterful driving skills, tactical genius.
Weakness: Battle with inner tempest, constant dance for self-control.

Life Saga:
Doctor Abir emerged from the tempestuous tapestry of Chittagong, honing an enigmatic skill set in the crucible of Bangladesh's adversities. Navigating the nation's conflicts, Abir acquired an eclectic array of abilities, from administering truth serum for interrogations to mastering advanced driving ballets. In Sweden, she weathered the relentless scrutiny of law enforcers, prompting her to invest in avant-garde spy cam spectacles linked to her mobile symphony for seamless documentation.

Abir's mastery with an arsenal of weapons, both sanctioned and shadowy, can be traced back to her sojourn in Sweden. Embarking on sporadic ventures into the clandestine labyrinth, she liberated confiscated weapons from the clutches of the apprehended, wielding them against other malefactors during moments of vigilante ballet. Drawing inspiration from her Scandinavian odyssey, Abir possesses a mysterious skill set, adept at using unconventional methods to extract information from her adversaries.

Yet, Abir's tempestuous nature ignites when entangled in the legal intricacies. In fits of emotional turbulence, she may resort to extreme measures, including the waltz of lethal force, to eliminate perceived obstacles to justice. Abir's life narrative unfolds as a symphony of complexities, revealing her adaptation to challenges, the intricate choreography between duty and the siren song of a shadowed past, all set against the enigmatic backdrop of Bangladesh.

Career Odyssey:

Abir embarked on her career in Bangladesh, acquiring a plethora of invaluable skills. Proficient in administering truth serum and a virtuoso behind the wheel, she navigated the challenges of Chittagong. Constant encounters with the constabulary demanded irrefutable proof, prompting Abir to acquire high-tech ocular maestros with a discreet camera, harmoniously linked to her phone. Living through the trials of Chittagong heightened Abir's senses, making her a virtuosa at detecting imminent dangers.

Despite enlisting in the police force to combat the cacophony of crime, Abir felt an enduring connection to the underworld, especially when familial threads became entwined. Occasionally, she accepted monetary compensation, especially from kin, to orchestrate their liberation from legal entanglements.

Abir's extensive knowledge of weapons, both lawful and illicit, originated from her odyssey in Bangladesh. Liberating weapons from the clutches of apprehended individuals, she repurposed them in her ongoing symphony against malevolence. Drawing from her Bangladeshi overture, Abir mastered techniques to extract information from individuals using a clandestine sonata. Yet, her encounters with legal virtuosos or witnesses triggered intense emotional crescendos, leading to a tempestuous performance, at times reaching a symphonic climax.

1. Abir can weave deceptive melodies or withhold information about summoning an attorney for a suspect in her custody.
2. She can compose a sonnet to expunge criminals from the wanted list and erase their criminal ballads.
3. Abir can orchestrate an escape for kin or friends or conduct clandestine serenades for bribes (DarkNet).
4. She can engage in the acquisition, serenade, or purchase of illegal instruments and harmonies, both on and off duty.
5. Acceptance of bribes is permitted, with the exception of accepting a bribe to become a hostage (up to $100k or equivalent value in illegal melodies or instruments).
6. Abir can compose symphonies of criminal activities independently or with her family, including kidnapping, robbery, and, in extreme crescendos, regrettably, murder.
7. She has the capability to craft harmonic lies about requesting a lawyer and can deny the right to an attorney.
8. Abir can conduct truth serenades on suspects, and in certain symphonic circumstances, on law enforcement personnel (if permitted).
9. She can refuse to unveil her musical identity to safeguard her privacy and the sanctity of her clandestine melodies.
10. Abir can conduct a symphony search on both law enforcement and suspects for their body cameras and orchestrate a grand finale by smashing them on the ground ("/try to find the bodycam" - 2x per situation - and "/do to destroy it").
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