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Jan 30, 2024

Maxi Toast

Jan 1, 2023
Hello before i want to start i wanted to thank you for reading this.
I wanna do a server complaint because The admins are all corrupt. But i knwo without proof you cant do anithing about it.
My point is a while ago i starded playing this server is saw that the admins are not just doing anithing to ban people ore to close orgs. The are also willing to do everything To just blacklsit all people. The server has 40 players and all the players are turfing. And if the players are willing to do RP then its too late and we should forget it. I played on many server in this is not just a server Without decency, Also without Respekt from the admins. I dont think this admins have no clue what they are doing. A while ago there were 150 players on the server and i asked some and they also quitet because of the admins.
I want you to think about it. Because this isnt roleplay. i wish you a nice day.

Richard Pluxury ㊙️

Feb 5, 2023
You can't do anything about it. Something had to be done like 2 years ago my man. Unfortunately this server is fucked.
I keep playing it because it's in my language, but I can't stop thinking about the good times, when we were 200+ players, incredible RP compared to now where the police force is useless and the only thing that matters are OOC events. Maybe it's better this way, someone wanted this and was satisfied. No offense. ;)

Daniel Chiodo

Feb 4, 2022
Hello before i want to start i wanted to thank you for reading this.
I wanna do a server complaint because The admins are all corrupt. But i knwo without proof you cant do anithing about it.
My point is a while ago i starded playing this server is saw that the admins are not just doing anithing to ban people ore to close orgs. The are also willing to do everything To just blacklsit all people. The server has 40 players and all the players are turfing. And if the players are willing to do RP then its too late and we should forget it. I played on many server in this is not just a server Without decency, Also without Respekt from the admins. I dont think this admins have no clue what they are doing. A while ago there were 150 players on the server and i asked some and they also quitet because of the admins.
I want you to think about it. Because this isnt roleplay. i wish you a nice day.

I think just like you.

My difference from you is, I do have proof.

Elonsik Swayze

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 9, 2021
I dont understand what the purpose of this complain is, as these are all claims without evidence or concrete examples.
If the purpose was to pass off my team of administrators as incompetent and irrespectful, despite the fact that your own friends and family members heavily insulted the administrators, their relatives, their children and their private lives. And yet the administrators never allowed themselves to insult or "vindicate" that, instead they are always available to the community for any help, concerns or problems.

If you have evidence, where it is seen as you say that the administrators are corrupt, you will be happy to analyze it -- otherwise it is empty words.

Finally I would be honored to see all the 150 people who wrote to you who left our project because of the administrators.
In addition, you together with your friends devote yourselves to playing daily captures and then write that it is impossible to RP....
However wait for the response from the curator of the project​


Curator of the project
Curator of the project
Apr 28, 2021
Rejected. Read the rules how to post complaint​
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