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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Mortal ashz
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Feb 2, 2024


Feb 2, 2024
Hey, on top of all, thats the forum account I just opened, becuase I dont have any forum acc and I really do think the ban was just a mistunderstood, and I cant ask a friend cause you cant open a forum on behalf of someone else, So please bobby,floki,adham. I just want Mazhor to see this and let him handle this case becuase I really think this ban was a big mistake of mine and I really sorry for this and wish it wasnt even happening at all until this day.

Hello, Mazhor, finally perfix for cotp, I want to complaint about my ban which was nearly 1 year ago, it all was a big misunderstood, bobby,floki,adham knows but ill explain you anyway, the story basically was that 1 cheater which we didnt know he was an actual cheater in first when we talked with him was sitting with us in a vc, we was suspecting someone else which we dont know til this day if he was cheating or not, but appearantly the real cheater opened us a share screen of him cheating, I told admin ingame - "pc check(cheater id)", I want to mention also my mistakes in here and prove to you everything from my pov,
First mistake: I placed an mp and told the cheater "come tp here and play lol", something like that I dont really remember, but it didnt happen at all, he didnt tp to my meeting point and didnt play this informal at all.
Second mistake that daniel carter opened a forum and made me writing: get your mind little sense, and to disrespect
This ban really made a little dark inside of me, becuase I know it wouldnt happen at all without this one guy, he just ruined all my career and I wont ever be dealt with a cheater or anything like that anymore.
It was the project I used to come back from work/learning, and to just sit and play it every day with my friends and having fun, appearantly this dark day came up and I never imagine my self ending like that. I always was a legit player and never had a ban for cheats,etc.. it was never my purpose or my goal to do it or to do any harm to you guys. Just a big mistake and I am really requesting your last forgiveness, Floki,Bobby,Adham and Mazhor.

Thanks if you actually readed all that and that you care about my bad situation im in right now.

Bobby Pluxury

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
May 18, 2021
Love how all of a sudden its a project that you all love and miss and always played on meanwhile after the ban all of you started disrespecting the project and the server 🤔
and yes not in my hands to help at all as its not appealable and no one likes people that do such specially cheats! :))
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