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Thomus Shelby

Feb 13, 2024
Marabunta Grande


1. Your name IRL : Ameer Inshal
2. Your age : 28
3. Time zone : GMT+9
4. Average online per day : 12-14 Horus
5. Your Discord : ameer.inshal
6. Your Nickname : Lora Honey
7. Your ID : 54364

Additional information:

1. Leader of Marabunta Grande!!

2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation) :

  1. Passion for the Organization's Mission: I am deeply passionate about the mission and values of this Marabunta Grande. The work you do aligns with my personal and professional values, and I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to achieving its goals. Being a leader in Marabunta Grande would allow me to dedicate myself fully to a cause I genuinely believe in.

  2. Proven Track Record and Skills: Over the years, I have demonstrated my leadership abilities and have a proven track record of successfully managing teams and projects. My skills in strategic planning, team building, and problem-solving are well-aligned with the challenges and opportunities Marabunta Grande faces. I believe that my experience positions me well to lead and guide the team toward continued success.

  3. Commitment to Growth and Innovation: I am committed to fostering a culture of growth and innovation within the Marabunta Grande. I believe in constantly pushing boundaries, exploring new ideas, and adapting to change. As a leader, I would work towards creating an environment that encourages creativity, continuous learning, and staying ahead of industry trends, ensuring the organization remains at the forefront of its field.
3. Your advice for improving the Role Play level in the organization :

  1. Clear Role Definitions: Clearly define each member's role within the organization. Ensure that everyone understands their responsibilities, strengths, and how they contribute to the overall success of the group. This clarity minimizes confusion and allows members to fully embrace their roles.
  2. Promote Communication and Collaboration: Emphasize the importance of communication and collaboration among members. Encourage open dialogue, both in and out of character, to discuss strategies, share ideas, and address any concerns. A strong sense of teamwork enhances the overall role-playing experience and contributes to the success of in-game activities.

  3. Reward System: Implement a reward system for outstanding role-playing efforts. Recognize and celebrate members who actively contribute to the organization's narrative, showcase creativity, or go above and beyond in their roles. Rewards can include in-game benefits, special titles, or recognition within the community.

  4. Feedback and Improvement: Create a culture where constructive feedback is encouraged. Regularly assess the role-playing experience, gather input from members, and make adjustments as needed. This iterative process helps refine the role-play dynamics and ensures that everyone feels engaged and satisfied with their gaming experience.

Thank You Very Much For Reviewing.

Shadow Shelby

Dec 1, 2023
He would be the best leader!!


Jayden Luciano

๐–„๐–”๐–š๐–— ๐•น๐–Ž๐–Œ๐–๐–™๐–’๐–†๐–—๐–Š
Dec 25, 2023
He Deserves๐Ÿ’–
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