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    Before making complaint with a prefix for curator of the project please read these rules.
    1. Make complaint only in case if you already posted for high admins and they did not help you.
    2. Complaints for curator of the project ONLY for management level complaints. You can't appeal your warning or 7 days ban. You can appeal only permanent or long-term bans.

    Thank you for attention! (c) Mazhor Pluxury
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Players nickname
Juan West
Administrators nickname
Fidayin Narek
Jul 27, 2021

Juan West

May 9, 2021
I got demorganed without getting a chance to show our side of the story, what happened was that left over components clashed right next to the informal org zone, these guys were waiting for the informal and we thought that they were going for leftover as they were right next to the parachutes, usually when leftover components occur, everyone shoots from that distance as they were very close. Without any knowledge that they were there for the informal I started shooting them and afterwards when I found out that they were there for informal I apologized as I couldn't have known when I saw that much people right next to the parachutes. There was not even a forum report against me so I wasn't even given a chance to defend myself meaning that I had to stand in demorgan for the entire duration, this demorgan was very biased and the admin only saw one side of the story, usually people are given 12 hours to defend themselves by showing a pov in my case I didn't get any..

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Fidayin Narek

May 3, 2021
First of all the informal org events are in a separate dimension and there is a gigantic red circle that everyone notices. They were also far away from the components circle. If you are in the territory then you will get a red notification saying that you are in the territory of the event. I dont know how you can confuse components with capturing resources. Also in the pov your guys said that they do not give a **** after dming people. You clearly deathmatched people without even thinking about your actions.

Juan West

May 9, 2021
There was a guy dead in the zone and they shot us aswell, also i've been at leftover for over 200 times and people always shoot outside the zone if it's an actual rule than they should apply on everyone and not just us, also you just proved the point that informal is in a seperate dimension hence why I had no idea that they were there for that event, that's why we had to confirm with them. When we confirmed we stopped shooting, we didn't finish anyone I don't see how I deserved a demorgan for that, we also let them revive each other and apologised when we found out that they weren't there for that. The point being was that we didn't even get a chance to defend ourselves aswell, I don't mean to be rude but everyone gets a chance to present their pov how didn't we get a chance to present our?

Alex Odd

Chief Administrator
Chief Administrator
Apr 28, 2021
Even on your POV clearly was seen how u killed guys completely in different side from parachute on components...
And even if was said by someone on ur POV that those guys are from other EVENT - u still have shot with rev... So admin take right decision and gave demorgan in such situation
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